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Ferretting taster days whats your thoughts

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Thanks o t h.


You may not like em, and iam not looking for a barny.


But offers like this come up every few months on the forum.

bloke has loads of land he shoots,loads of posts about good days.

sees an opening to make a few bob, try,s it on.


A good few professionals on here, have been for a while.

good rep,good days for the lads, no bother.

if you intend to try to make a living out of it you have loads of competition, and will find it hard.

if its just to supplement your income, i think you will find it harder.

learn to walk first comes to mind.

and dont take that the wrong way.


Thats fine Mark


I am after constructive thoughts like yours .


But the only thing in your reply that puzzles me is surley the other pro guides set out on there own at some point.


What would in your view is the diffrents between somebody like myself settting out now as opposed to them setting out how every many years ago.


Surley they would have had a similar background to myself to be able to offer the service.


Cheers OTH

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Time mate, like i said learn to walk first.

be up front with people, tell them your plans,your expectations. most folk on here will bend over backwards to help people.

a lot of members on here have seen a good few con men come and go, them who are out for the fast buck.

you cant blame any of them for sounding off.

Times are hard mate, and well done to you for trying.

but you could do better. :good:

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Having followed this thread, I feel the need to support OTH as I believe hs offer is good, and genuine. For the fortunate few with acres of land and plenty of experience, good for you, but some of us are learning from scratch so what are the options ? nights on PW and plenty of books (learning theory but not practice), or a few hours with OTH (who has been brave enough to debate his corner amicably despite being shot down a few times) getting what would probably turn out to be less than £10 and hour.. I for one would like to have some time with a knowledgable, like minded PW member. :good: and if that means paying for their expenses then so be it, afterall they could be wasting a day with a complete numpty... :good:

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Mark still dont get the time bit I think you would struggle to find another 36 year old with the knowledge and bags of both rabbits and more so woodies than myself.


Added this bit it would be better to spend a day with me who has shot nealry 5500 birds this year so far than a 60 year old so called time servied countryman whos only accounts for a few hundred a year.


I have been upfront and I sure no con man otherwise I would have not aired my thoughts on the subject .


Yes it would supplement my summer income but I would be 100% commited to my clients .


There you go cheers anyway OTH

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Mark still dont get the time bit I think you would struggle to find another 36 year old with the knowledge and bags of both rabbits and more so woodies than myself.


but you have to get that over to the people you want to pay.

i have taken folk out who swear blind they are safe and knowledgeable.

when in truth, they aint got a clue.


I have been upfront and I sure no con man otherwise I would have not aired my thoughts on the subject .


not saying you are a con man, but twelve months on here with little or no feed back is not good for a business you would like to get of the ground.



Yes it would supplement my summer income but I would be 100% commited to my clients .


some pro,s would call that the actions of a cowboy, and if you aint got nothing to back you up. you cant argue.


There you go cheers anyway OTH

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OTH, am with you so far on this thread as i see nothing wrong in charging for a day out (no one is forced to pay). However i see no reason to run down other members and/or any service they offer. concentrate on what you have to offer and you should do ok. :good:

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Mark still dont get the time bit I think you would struggle to find another 36 year old with the knowledge and bags of both rabbits and more so woodies than myself.


Added this bit it would be better to spend a day with me who has shot nealry 5500 birds this year so far than a 60 year old so called time servied countryman whos only accounts for a few hundred a year.


I have been upfront and I sure no con man otherwise I would have not aired my thoughts on the subject .


Yes it would supplement my summer income but I would be 100% commited to my clients .


There you go cheers anyway OTH


hi oth thats why i said in my first post you wont have trouble finding people for your pigeon days unless distance is

a problem to some maybe if you start that first and show people what you can give them experience wise and enjoyment

word might spread about your buisness and make things easier on the ferretting front just a thought but dont think you should be put

off before you try it

atb dolphin

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I have read this topic with interest and can see both sides of the fence.


There are those good folk on here who have land that offer to take 'others' out to experience shooting without making a charge. I am one of the lucky ones to have been invited by a member on here on more than one occasion for which I am very grateful.


There are also those on the forum that provide a 'service' and charge accordingly. OTH is offering a days ferreting and making a charge for his time.


Cant knock the knockers as he asked for thoughts and opinions and he got them. He is self employed and as such his time is money, all he is doing is showing a bit of nouse and looking to use his assets (spare time / land) to generate some additional income in what I guess is a slack time for him over the winter months. I dont think he should be knocked for that. There are plenty of *** wipes in this country who gladly sit on their backsides with their hands out.


I am interested in getting a ferret in the future. I know very little about them, or indeed how you could work them, so for me something like this would be of interest. I would also pay for the experience.


OTH - I think its a good idea and one you should look into it further (nothing ventured, nothing gained) get an outline of what the customer can expect in terms of start time / end, outline of what will be done throught the day so that they know what to expect for their money. Get some A4 sheets drawn up on your computer and put some up in your local shops / supermarkets. Maybe put an add in the local paper and see where it all goes.


Those that are interested will contact you, the knockers wont. If you make some extra money along the way great, if it doesnt get off the ground nothing lost.


I wish you and your Entrepreneurial mind well :good:

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At the end of the day something is worth exactly what people are prepared to pay for it. :good: Back before I started ferreting I would have been prepared to spend a bit of money learning how to do something properly first hand as I would have been scared of losing my ferrets.


However I was very fortunate to be taken under the wing of the notorious poacher :good: Jordan/natures son from here before he moved to Tazmania! He invited me out on his land for free and I learned more in a day than I would have done if I spent a lifetime reading up on the subject!


So my view on the matter is that people will probably pay for the experience with somebody who knows what they are doing, but plenty won't!


I do believe that OTH would provide a good day out though. :good:


FM :yes:

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hmmm well heres my two cents cos i just spent an hour reaeding every comment on the thread although he did ask for peoples thoughts i really dont see the need for this topic 2 keep going around and around .if your interested then ask for details from OTH i've in the past been offered free ferreting with OTH but its always been the wrong time of year and circumstances change and stuff . although £50 for sum in a pee in the wind for me personally it would be a bit steep especially as i would have to pay my own fuel money. but if i was you oth i would maybe lower it to £30-£35 would seem more reasonable maybe some rabbits off the total of the day so that people get there moneys worth but hey feel free to send me some detail i might be interested OTH SO PM ME DETAILS PLZ thanks jimmy

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I too have read each of posts in this thread. I have no opinion to offer, only a question:


OTH - What prompted you to put up the original post? Was it that you'd been thinking for some time, 'Hey you know what, I might just offer the benefit of all my experience and the huge tracts of land I have, to my fellow PW'ers for a small fee cos I'm a nice bloke'? or was was it, 'By 'eck every tom **** and harry seems to be coming on here and offering sport for money, I fancy a bit of that action!'


I think you'll find the reponses from folk on here, are based on their perception of your motives based on those two alternatives.


In fact I will offer an opinion. I seems to me that your timing is out. The reason your getting flak is because your offer comes on the back of so many others from relatively new members to the site and this has built up a view amongst many on here that some are out just to make money from PW and nothing else.


But hey its the capitalist way, right comrad!

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I too have read each of posts in this thread. I have no opinion to offer, only a question:


OTH - What prompted you to put up the original post? Was it that you'd been thinking for some time, 'Hey you know what, I might just offer the benefit of all my experience and the huge tracts of land I have, to my fellow PW'ers for a small fee cos I'm a nice bloke'? or was was it, 'By 'eck every tom **** and harry seems to be coming on here and offering sport for money, I fancy a bit of that action!'


I think you'll find the reponses from folk on here, are based on their perception of your motives based on those two alternatives.


In fact I will offer an opinion. I seems to me that your timing is out. The reason your getting flak is because your offer comes on the back of so many others from relatively new members to the site and this has built up a view amongst many on here that some are out just to make money from PW and nothing else.


But hey its the capitalist way, right comrad!


If this debate took place in a pub we would all get thrown out due to the undoubted noise we would be making.

Lets look at the simple economics, those that could afford the £50.00 are probably at work, and so there for would probably be only able to do weekends, you would therefore only make about £100.00 each week, not much to live on.

I base this on my Novice shooting days where I charge £25.00 for 3 hours (please do not start on me, I am trying to bring closure). my busiest days are "week ends" what do I do during the week, shoot pigeons on my own or with friends who have managed to get an afternoon off.

Good luck to OTH, the topic should not have been raised so close to the AL4X topic of earlier this week.


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I too have read each of posts in this thread. I have no opinion to offer, only a question:


OTH - What prompted you to put up the original post? Was it that you'd been thinking for some time, 'Hey you know what, I might just offer the benefit of all my experience and the huge tracts of land I have, to my fellow PW'ers for a small fee cos I'm a nice bloke'? or was was it, 'By 'eck every tom **** and harry seems to be coming on here and offering sport for money, I fancy a bit of that action!'


The truth a bit of everything you said above I just nearly a year ago and I have changed my views on a number of subjects .I would have not even entertained sharing or guiding any of my land last year.

But it very clear I have been lucky to attain land for many reasons and this is the second year of being self employed last winter was lean for me as a gardener.

So I thought why not offer a service I like doing as a hobbie and make a little and it would be a little income from it,while inturn offering a gateway into the sport for others its very hard for newbie as most old timers do like to keep there perms to thereself the same as I use to.



I think you'll find the reponses from folk on here, are based on their perception of your motives based on those two alternatives.


Thats fine but I think it unfair for me and others to be tarred with a bad brush .


In fact I will offer an opinion. I seems to me that your timing is out. The reason your getting flak is because your offer comes on the back of so many others from relatively new members to the site and this has built up a view amongst many on here that some are out just to make money from PW and nothing else.



Yes my timming maybe out but with years subscriptons to PW and just over a 1k posts with numberous sporting pictures of a few of my bags.

And offering my time to others though PM system I think others should do a little research of the thread starter/s before slagging them off.


But hey its the capitalist way, right comrad!

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OTH, I understand you have a good history of input to the site and I've read many of your posts on other threads. I believe its just the issue of the timing of your decision/query about whether there's any appetite for people to pay to learn. Personally I have no objection to the principle of anyone making a few bob from their passion (I wish I could do the same).


At the end of the day, those who are succesful in providing a service soon get feedback to that effect. you only have to look at other threads to see many satisfied PW'ers who've been out on paid days. If you do decide to go ahead I wish you the best of british! :good:

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Hi OTH, its jut taken me blooming ages to read all through these posts.

I think you're being given the rough end of the stick here! Anything to get new people interested in any type of country sports is a bloody great idea.

Is £50 really that expensive??? I know theres a bloke out near me who charges more than that for a days hunting with a Harris Hawk. I went with a mate and thoroughly enjoyed it and didn't hesitate in paying the bloke. So i say good luck to you. :good::good::good:

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well it depends who you are and what job you do £50 yes is a lot of money i am a student who does forestry and farm work part time so for me 50 quid will keep my car in fuel for a month this topic could keep going and going but its all stuff that none of us will agree on end of the day if you can afford it then take OTH up on his offer if ya cant then find someone who will take you out for free simple as that .


good luck OTH and thanks for your kind offer however thats a lil out of my budget range atm with xmas approaching .

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I personally have quite a bit of ferreting at the moment but try to have a days boat fishing every couple of months. This is £50 and no guarantee of catch. I wouldn't pay for rabbiting, but several would. I paid for a days stalking from someone on here and it was excellent. Never seen so many deer. It needs to be good or word soon spreads and you will soon have no takers. However, Christmas is coming and it would make someone a good xmas prezzie.

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He did ask for people thoughts did'nt he? As for comparing it to pigeon guides, pigeon guides have to drive round and find the pigeon using fuel and time (you would hope) rabbits will be where they live its not rocket science.


And whose to say his rabbit shooting permissions are close to him,he might have to drive to them :good: and my reference to pigeon guides was to make the point of many over shooting and still taking big bucks :oops:


Only yesterday i got talking to a chap in town,and he was telling me he had been on a pigeon day,shot a handfull of carts, and was charged £180 for the day :lol:


what ya gotta say about that johnny :lol: BB

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And whose to say his rabbit shooting permissions are close to him,he might have to drive to them :good: and my reference to pigeon guides was to make the point of many over shooting and still taking big bucks :oops:


Only yesterday i got talking to a chap in town,and he was telling me he had been on a pigeon day,shot a handfull of carts, and was charged £180 for the day :lol:


what ya gotta say about that johnny :lol: BB

you pays your money and takes your choice. the thing with this is learning by your mistakes is half the fun i think.

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