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spaniel names


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The text books talk about a two syllabled name being best. Something with 2 different vowel syllables too. I broke that 'rule' and went for Billy. It's two syllables but they are both the 'i' sound. 'T's' and 'S's' starting each syllable are also recommended as they are more noticeable in the field. Sh1tbag nearly conforms to these 'rules'. As long as it's not something that the hound could confuse with another command. If we are to believe what we read in these self-same text books then you'll actually use the name VERY rarely.


Back in the real world however, things are different.


My mate's really disorganised and is getting his second springer in the New Year. In tribute to my nickname for him he's chosen 'Bumble'.

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I wanted to call my older dog "Floyd", after the old sheriff in the Toffo adverts. When they'd got the baddie he'd say to his deputy " Go get 'em Floyd". Unfortunately I worked with a bloke called Floyd not long before I got the dog who was a complete ........ And couldn't bear to call a puppy the same name! I'm a passionate pike angler, so I called him "Jack"


The young dog's called Ash, not my choice as he was already named when we got him. Everyone on the shoots I beat on know his name now too, it's the soundtrack to a few drives. :(

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After hooning of with the girlfriends terrier after a seagull last week, my cocker,Jack, has been re-named (F)***wit major, Twig the terrier is (F)***wit minor :lol::lol::lol:

Had a pal once with two terriers called (f)***it and *******( a child out of wedlock...god this word screening drives me nuts!) When I asked him how they got their names he said, " You know how it is in the morning, late for work, just found the last matching pair of socks and as I flew into the kitchen trod in a puddle with one foot, and shouted (f)*** it and in a hurry to lift it out lost my balance and put the other on a pile of **** and yelled B******d! :lol::lol::lol::lol::good:

Edited by turbo33
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