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seriously messed up cockbird


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:blink: ive never shot a double beaked pheasant before

at first i thought a piece of shot had hit its beek and split it. i was wrong there was no sign of any damage, it looked like it had been like that for a while i asked a friend who was a boilogy master and his answer was because the pheasants we see today are bred on such a large scale and are fed all sorts of chemicals to keep them alive whilst very young, it is likely that under artificial conditions there was a genetic mutation, he said the mutation was likely not to be of any kind of advantage and from what i showed him he said it would probably create contitions ideal for small organisms to live in the cavity between the top top beak and the other top beek and so the pheasants with this mutation may be more likely to die at a younger age than other normal pheasants with out the mutation- of course this is all speculation and the 3rd beek could be an advantage for example an ideal tool for finding food in hard ground, though in my opinion the 3rd beek is nothing more than unsightly and i hope the two that i have is where it ends... and i know that awefull sci-fi images pop into everyone's head when people say mutation, but "mutation" is all about natural selection and evoloution, its the reason we have rabbits that are not afffected by mixi and also why we have black squirrels ect..

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