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Electeric Training collars


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Best and cheapest dont go together. You can pick them up on e-bay for £20 and thats all they are worth.


I have a petsafe 400 metre model which was about £100 and is worth every penny.


What is the problem with your dog? How have you trained it so far? What age is the dog and how much game etc has it been exposed to? I would only consider an e-collar as a last resort after all else has been tried.


I used mine to cure the dog bolting after hares rabbits and cats after months of steadiness and stop whistle training didnt work at the moment of truth.

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Best and cheapest dont go together. I dont mind paying for quality, but dont wanna be ripped off.


I have a petsafe 400 metre model which was about £100 and is worth every penny.


What is the problem with your dog? Will run off and wont come back.

How have you trained it so far? Working on stop whistle and training on a long lead.

What age is the dog and how much game etc has it been exposed to? 2 1/2 and he comes on the rounds every day from day one, although its har to trust him off the lead.



I used mine to cure the dog bolting after hares rabbits and cats after months of steadiness and stop whistle training didnt work at the moment of truth. Preety similar to my problem

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man trained many a dog to very high standards long before these collars came about.


They are not needed, imo they are a tad cruel


They seem to be just like every other gadget and gizmo that is available to shooters.. not necessary

Man did just as well with many aspects of shooting if not better many years ago without the peckers, flappers, collars, speed loader clips and so on.

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and i never said that beating a dog was the way and agree that beating them is cruel 2maybe if you were better at training dogs you wouldnt need a collar or a lead


its just my opinion

Edited by TJ91
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the annoying thing is most responsible owners don't want to inflict pain on their dog so you use it at minimum and only when you really need it. Mine beeps on the first setting then you set it for a mild shock if that doesn't work, by that point you've blown the whistle and hollered at the dog so it knows its in the wrong and then you use it. Just like a long lead which when you see them used properly aren't actually that nice, its just with a collar they can't get away from them. With dogs that bolt they do save lives its just the lilly liberals who have never seen one used imagine you zap the dog all the time, as ever a little information is dangerous

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Don't want to sway anyone one way or other but this is what i have experienced withe an e coller on a shoot i used to beat on a fella had an e coller attached to his spaniel all day and every time he was at this shoot how many times he zapped the dog i could not say but i decided that i would never use one. BUT i bred a smashing ess bitch with all you wanted from a gundog style pase good form colour the lot at 14 mths she got cute and started to hunt for herself and off she would go after any and all things she flushed accross barbed wire, rivers and roads only coming back when she wanted to so for another four months i got out there and trained her all the tricks i could think of spot on when training but out on a shooting day she was off.descision time sell her as a pet and let all those months of work come to nowt or try the e coller way so i swollowd my pride and got the p.a.c.prepared the dog for the day i would use it got out on some bunnies and had a go with the beeper NO GOOD . NEXT FLUSH used the shock she hesitated enough for me to shout my command word STOP! OVER THE NEXT FEW TIMES OUT I USED THE SHOCK FIVE TIMES ONLY she got the message and i had no bother from her since.My own lesson was if you use one of these collers you have to follow the advice given and only use it as a last resort not a short cut to training .just to add i am in no way a dog trainer. a little foot note years ago a friend of mine took a lab with the same problem as my dog to a pro trainer his method was a length of rubber hose!!when my friend got the lab back it was no better and even worse he could not sell it as a pet as it was now aggresive.as has been stated before it.s for you to decide.GOOD LUCK.

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Sometimes you need them, those who critise have never YET needed one. They saved my dog from being destroyed when he suddenly desided sheep were on the quarry list one day. Seriously i live on a sheep farm and he was among them every day no issues then one day .......... problem is though some idots misuse them, then again some misuse guns does this mean all gun users are bad?

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and i never said that beating a dog was the way and agree that beating them is cruel 2maybe if you were better at training dogs you wouldnt need a collar or a lead


its just my opinion


A poorly formed opinion at that. How many hard headed dogs have you trained? The profesional advice given to me by two pro trainers was to kick the dog in the side, yank his ear or pick it up and drop it every time it stepped out of line. All this to "get on top" of him!


Man has indeed trained dogs for many years. In victorian times dogs were whipped until they were "trained". I have strapped my e-collar to my own neck and zapped myself on full power. Yes it hurts but not as much as a whip or a kick in the ribs.


Opinion needs to be backed by experience.

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I think that the people who have used the collars are the ones whose opinions you could take into consideration.


Those who say that these collars have no place in dog training, HAVING NOT USED ONE OR SEEN THE RESULTS OF ONE USED PROPERLY are idiots.


It really winds me up that the anti collar brigade preach that they are cruel. Used correctly they are a fantastic tool that correct problems that could otherwise result in a dog who puts itself in danger or in a position whereby the owner doesnt let it off the lead.


My Lab magnum used to run 500yards at full speed just to have a sniff of another dog. When there were no other dogs around he was fine and would stop on the whistle no problem. I used a collar to correct this.


Mine has 3 buttons


1- When pressed goes BEEP BEEP BEEP then a 1 second shock (or shocks for as long as you hold it down after beeping to a max of 4 seconds

2- Split second shock

3- Just beeps


It has a dial on the remote with 10 levels of shock. WHat you do is put the collar on the dog for a few days so he is totally used to it and doesnt accociate it with the beeping or shock. To decide on the level of shock needed you put your dog out in the garden so he's roaming around doing his own thing and set the remote to its lowest setting and press button 2 which is a split second shock what your looking for is him stopping whatever he was doing and looking up as if to say "hmm what was that" Its basically a tap on the shoulder. If you get no response from level 1 move up to 2 and so on


It was level 4 before Magnum took any notice.


When i next took him out and he saw another dog he did his usual thing and ran off, after he ignored the stop whistle I pressed the button which goes BEEP BEEP BEEP shock and shouted SIT and he stopped sat and looked back at me as if to say "how did you reach me from there?" He then returned on the recall whistle and was fine the rest of the walk.


I probably shocked him 3 times the first week and by then he realised that when he heard the beep unless he reacted instantly he would get a tap on the shoulder. This meant that I could switch to just using the beep button when he went to run off. After a month he was cured!


Not once did he wince or show any pain. A good dog owner knows their dog and would not ever inflict suffering on their dog.


Please do not dismiss collars until you have been in a position where the use of one was necessary. It is very different training a dog that is kenneled to a pet dog as the kenneled dog will always be far more focused on the handeler.

Edited by tom_0787
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