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Vermin on FAC or not

henry d

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I asked for vermin to be added to the usual, fox & deer control/zeroing/target, and when it came back it just said the same.


Sooooo I phone up and quickly am told that it`s OK they don`t add vermin to it and I am OK to shoot vermin.


Great !!


Now that gets me thinking as I only wanted to use the triple for corvids (on the ground) and feral cats, however condition A10 is also for my 6.5, which is handy although I suppose it will only ever be used once in a blue moon.

Another thing is that although it isn`t on the cert, will they stand by it if something goes wrong ? :hmm:

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makes a farce of the system if on one hand you have to comply with conditions and then they decide they won't write certain things on your ticket. Mine came back from renewal with pests and Deer on it rather than vermin and no fox which it used to have. On checking seems pests covers most things round here

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In this day and age, I would have thought it better to be in black and white.


Not sure about your force but mine is having major cutback with regular bobbies soon to take over much of the work from the FAD. They will not be trained or familiar with FA issues and will probably go on what is written down rather than what is implied.


I think you have 21 days to appeal any decision?.... not 100% so worth checking and sorting out properly.

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In this day and age, I would have thought it better to be in black and white.


Not sure about your force but mine is having major cutback with regular bobbies soon to take over much of the work from the FAD. They will not be trained or familiar with FA issues and will probably go on what is written down rather than what is implied.


I think you have 21 days to appeal any decision?.... not 100% so worth checking and sorting out properly.


They are mainly cutting back staff who are 30 years + and making them retire, sadly this means most FEO's etc who have been there along time! but alot of our FEO's are Civies not police staff!

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They are mainly cutting back staff who are 30 years + and making them retire, sadly this means most FEO's etc who have been there along time! but alot of our FEO's are Civies not police staff!



Good point, ours are technically civies but ex cops. All 5 have been issued redundancy notices and told that 2 might be taken on again.

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Yea its a bit of a joke at the moment.


My force is having to save over 20Million in the next 2 years, cut backs are getting stupid!


Weve even had to cut back on the radio channels we use to save on the air waves bill with O2! merging 3 divisions to one channel! its manic!



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I asked for vermin to be added to the usual, fox & deer control/zeroing/target, and when it came back it just said the same.


Sooooo I phone up and quickly am told that it`s OK they don`t add vermin to it and I am OK to shoot vermin.


Great !!


Now that gets me thinking as I only wanted to use the triple for corvids (on the ground) and feral cats, however condition A10 is also for my 6.5, which is handy although I suppose it will only ever be used once in a blue moon.

Another thing is that although it isn`t on the cert, will they stand by it if something goes wrong ? :hmm:


Just got mine back from Durham,got vermin on and the .22 250 for deer stalking..pointed out that corvids are a real problem for us..


They gave me a condition of " shooting birds" to cover this,then decided that my .22 250 was enough and that i couldn,t use the .243.. even though they said they agreed that during a window of opportunity for a safe shot i would be helping the landowners.


Cert went straight back in with a letter pointing out that they had just reduced my windows of opportunity by half.


Watch this space :rolleyes:

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Quite literally just received my FAC back in the post after applying for my first Variation with the intent of vermin Shooting.


its says:


"The Shooting of vermin or, in the course of carrying on activities in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife"


i'm intrigued by this bit?


or, in the course of carrying on activities in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife


Does that mean i can shoot Fox, Deer etc without it being specifically being added to my FAC?

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thats the conditions for expanding ammo not the firearms you hold, they will be worded next to the rifles


Nope thats a seperate line on my FAC:


conditions as follows.


5. Firearms at proper club or range etc

6. Firearms and ammo which this cert relates shall be used for pest control, zero on ranges or land deemed etc

7. The holder of this cert can purchase the following expanding ammo for etc, etc and MAY use such ammunition only in connection with:

8. The shooting of vermin or, in the course of carrying on activites in connection with the management of any estate, other wildlife.

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it means number 7 follows onto 8, so you can only use expanding ammo in connection with those activities. The rifle conditions are with them something along the lines of the firearms listed shall be used for pest control / foxes / deer or whatever they decide to add on.

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it means number 7 follows onto 8, so you can only use expanding ammo in connection with those activities. The rifle conditions are with them something along the lines of the firearms listed shall be used for pest control / foxes / deer or whatever they decide to add on.


Theres no specifics next to my Rifles on Ticket... funny how forces vary!

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have you got vermin on them? Herts tickets with land permission should go something like


The firearms and the ammunition to which this certificate relates shall be used for pest control and when accompanied Deer Stalking and for zeroing on ranges blah de blah


its the shall be used for bit that says what you can use them on

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have you got vermin on them? Herts tickets with land permission should go something like


The firearms and the ammunition to which this certificate relates shall be used for pest control and when accompanied Deer Stalking and for zeroing on ranges blah de blah


its the shall be used for bit that says what you can use them on


The only mention of vermin is as i mentioned earlier in one of my posts: under the conditions.


Firearms and ammo which this cert relates shall be used for pest control, zero on ranges or land deemed

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they now seem to class vermin as pests and in herts that includes foxes. Or at least it does for everybody I know in the area who has checked. I used to have pest control and fox on my last ticket for all rifles including HMR but they now seem to lump them all together

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they now seem to class vermin as pests and in herts that includes foxes. Or at least it does for everybody I know in the area who has checked. I used to have pest control and fox on my last ticket for all rifles including HMR but they now seem to lump them all together


Fine by me!

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makes a farce of the system if on one hand you have to comply with conditions and then they decide they won't write certain things on your ticket. Mine came back from renewal with pests and Deer on it rather than vermin and no fox which it used to have. On checking seems pests covers most things round here


Surely Chavs and ****** are pests, aren't they????? :lol: ?

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If you can get a copy of an e-mail stating that it's ok I'd say that's probably good enough. I'd still not be too impressed by it but as you say, how often are you actually going to use the 6.5 for that?


It is fun mind - you may find once you've taken the first bird it becomes rather addictive! :yes:

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