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snow shooting

Guest beechris

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Guest beechris

Hi all. im looking at going shooting for a pigeons and by the looks of it there maybe snow on the fields. Today ive noticed some woodies on the fields in the snow. I know decoys will show up well but what about the hide?? and clothing? wont that show up baddly in the snowy back ground?

Any tips will be great ...

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Total waste of your time mate best stay in where its warm the bird s are staveing as they can not find food at min.


Best waitin till snow melts then hit them if they are on your feilds leave them be or you will just move them on should be some good shooting when it melts


Im sure there will be sum hardcore nutter that will disagree but trust me you wont enjoy it iv tried :no::no::no:

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was out the day before the snow chris, feet like blocks of ice :lol:


if you want a white paper suit, come round, have loads of them from work, although I wouldent bother, shooting last year we cleared areas of rape of snow, and sat freezing our ****'s off, the odd bird came in, but nothing to write home about

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Guest beechris

im not looking at going until next weekend, just thinking ahead if this continues. By then they should be REALLY hungry and upon seeing a few buddies feeding would join them?!

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would it work if you laid your camo nets on top of the snow so it looked like the rape was popping trough :yp:


i've thought about this for a while but never put it into practice as i hate the cold :lol:



p.s. i guess only the army type ones would work?



Or one in Rape pattern lol :lol::lol::lol::lol:



Les :huh:

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would it work if you laid your camo nets on top of the snow so it looked like the rape was popping trough :yp:


i've thought about this for a while but never put it into practice as i hate the cold :lol:



p.s. i guess only the army type ones would work?


Now there's an idea. Imitation rape off the roll,Expanda cover crop,Fake stubble...........could make magnets obsolete :lol::lol:

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personaali i will leave them alone for abit

no point shooting scrawny,suicicdal birds..nowt on em to eat!


let em be till they get abita grub in em


but they are very easy to shoot in the snow

will dive in to any bit of green.

brush the snow off some rape and stick a glider out 5yards away above the snow and a couple deeks on the green


they willbe desperate for food soon and will be very suicidal..not sporting

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Guest beechris

chris is a bee keeper, so Im sure he'll have a few white suits laying around


i do, however im not willing to rip it on thorn bushes for the bees to find the hole and join me inside the suit...

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Why bother with whites? Behind a screen it doesn't matter what you are wearing and a camo screen won't look out of place even if everywhere is white over. Before last harvest I shot loads of pigeons and carrions out of the middle of a wheat field using a green camo' hide that stuck out like a sore thumb to our eyes.

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If you are under any sort of flight line don't forget they will suffer a sort of snow blindness & things sticking out of the snow is quite natural.

I've got some snow camo, ex german issue I think.

If I can find it I might go out for an hour or two untill my fingers & feet freeze.

I bought it at a boot sale last year & seeing this post just reminded me of it.

What the hell, I might as well.

Many years ago a rabbit come out of a hedge & struggled to hop across the snow nearly as deep as the rabbit was tall, I let it go.

That day I was out just for the sake of it walking the tall hedgerows to see if any Pigeon would fly out of the Holly bushes.

I'd rather leave snowy days but this weather is dragging on too long & I'm becomeing a couch potato.

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