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Your Hobbies

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My other hobby apart from shooting is my smallholding, we currently have 8 pigs, 9 lambs, 25 table chickens and about 50 layers. We hope to do even more next year.

The part of it that i really enjoy and put a lot of effort into is trying to educate people as to where there food comes from, and how it should be produced. Its satisfying to know that the food on your plate is all your own produce.


Looking through the thread there is some talented and patient people on PW :good:

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Well done Tom, looks really good, I'm with the local vintage club and I'm just finishing a Power Major.

When I say finishing, as you know you can always find that little bit extra to do to them.

I done up a T20 a couple of years back then passed it on, oh the hue and cry when the experts noticed

that I had fitted an alternator, replacing the old dynamo.

As for my hobbies, living and working with nature and farming is a full time job, but it is combined with all

that is involved with country sports.


Used to drive a Fordson Major (and a Dexta) on my dads farm in Wales. Is that the same thing?

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Thunderbird, No, not really, but similar.

Your Fordson Major could have been the old Petrol/TVO type, or the improved Fordson Major (diesel)

Followed by the Power Major about 1959 ish, then in the early sixties came the Super Major

that had live drive.

The Fordson Dexta was a different little animal, it was a nice little tractor that Ford brought out after

they had infringed the patent rights of Ferguson, it cost them about three and a half million pounds

in fines.

It was complicated, I will explain next time I see you.

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I did use a Super Major for lamping rabbits, two boys behind me in the transport box doing the shooting, no wonder I'm deaf.

And I have just fitted lights to the Power Major, but no cab, so I'll stick to the Landie.


The Dexta was the first vehicle I ever drove on a public road at the age of 13, delivering a link-box of manure to a neighbour. Got stopped on the way back by the local bobby on his bike, he waved us down (my 11 year old brother was sitting on the mudguard) and showed us a couple of pics of his prize bull, told me to tell my dad he would see him in the pub, and waved us off.


Good times.

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And that was rural Carmarthen, the old country cops were more tolerant.

I was going to join the police force, but they found out my mother and father were married.





It was, on the Trelech to Newcastle Emlyn road, if I recall correctly. Little hamlet called Bryn Iwan.


The cop said "I'd like you to meet my wife and sister", and there was just one woman standing there...

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