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Hi Guys - Not sure if anyone else has posted this but I was at Aldi this morning and they have just knocked 20 quid off their night vision monocular - nows it's down to 79.99 - I didn't get one - not sure if they are worth it - Bigrob.



I got one to have a look....... got my money back as they are to nightvision what Rap is to music :lol:

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The ones that LIDL were selling were, at the least, basic, but were okay for short range viewing. By adding some extra IR 'light' the viewing range increased dramatically.

On a different note, LIDL's are selling the mini maglite for £8.99. I don't know if that's a good price, but I bought one anyway.


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bought one couple years ago from them a bresser one and although there range is limited great for spotting rabbits and foxs . and finding your way as you walk instead of keep flicking lamp on,i followed couple of poachers with dogs one night and they had no idea i was there.. neither did a courting couple i came across on a farm track :lol: :lol: took mine into my local gunshop as he wanted look he took it down into cellar and said image quality was better than ones he sold for lot more money :good:

Edited by remmy1100
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the wife and kids got me one for christmas told her about the on in lidle but all gon so she went to aldi and saved £20 so after the write up on hear was not exspecting much and put a brave face on it and smiled and told them thankyou.

but was plesantly suprised at how well it worked been on feld, garden in moon light and overcast and in simulaterd darkness in the house certans closed and lights off and worked well .so not that diserpoinerd.

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