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Hi my name is mark I live in Dorset.

Been shooting for quite a few years, I have got some frinedly farmer around me and let me stoot on land. I have a AA s400 air rifle with multi shot conversion 7 shot (going to sell it soon to get a AA s410 xtra fac) with which I shoot targets and rabbits.I have got a shotgun I do a bit of clay shooting/ pheasant, pigeons and ducks,. I am also looking to buy a new rifle in the near future,somthink like a rugger 77 22,I have been reading reviews on this site and other but will continue my research until i find the right gun .


See you around the forums



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evening all


i am a new member, i shoot as often as i can (when ever the wife lets me)

i shoot a MK70 grade 6 shot gun, a .22 and .17 rim fire rifel and a 243 centre fire

i have a estate that i shoot over with 4000 acre but we do not have a organised shoot on the land the owner will not let us, we only have squirrel days as they are damaging the wood land we have which is about 1000 acre.

i shoot every thursday night by lamp for foxes and rabblits and do a very small amount of deer stalking at the week end, we only shoot a bout 4 roe deer a year. i keep refering to we as me and an other chap have the shooting permission.


i would like to hear from other people in the yorkshire and lincolnshire reigons that can compare notes and give me any tips on pigeon shooting as i am very green at this


hope to hear from some of you soon

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