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bens dig day in a hide


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well with the shooting season all but over i decided to take my young cocker ben out pigeon shooting in a hide today :oops: .he has been picking up with me all season and has done pritty well i have to say for a 18mth old dog so i new he could pick birds but could he sit in a hide.


arrived at 8am to a spot i have been watching all season and now the game shooting is over i can go any where on the estate :drool: so i set up over looking a big gully that pigeons travel up and down to the repa fields .i set up the usual two magnets and 50 shells and 4 bounces and ben sat and took it all in .


after 20 min birds started to come to the pattern and ben sat good as gold the whole time (lying with his head under the front of the hide so he could see the birds falling in the pattern )after 10 down i gave him afew retrieves he picked two straight away about 50 yards out past the pattern then got a bit to keen and came back with 2 half shells :/:/:/ .


at 1pm and32 birds the flight dryed up and i moved to another flight line about 1/4 of a mile away this proved a good move with hundreds of birds on the move the and ben still sat there watching everthing and only went out when he was told at 330pm i packed up with another 60 birds in the bag i spent 30min picking birds in the wood behind me with ben and only lost three so finnished with 92 and one happy dog and owner .


bens the black dog on the left the brown one is bud my trusted hide dog :lol::lol::lol::lol:


only 60 birds in picture left the first flights in car and for got to add them in :no::no:

Edited by cocker3
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Nice 1 mate ,nice to hear your dog is doing well keep up the good work :good:


Got a good week planned shooting 6 days out of seven ,last 2 game shoots plus ducks tomorrow then 3 days pigeon shooting 1 days hare shooting and a roost shoot cant wait :yes:

thanks tom that sounds like sum week ur about to have best of luck buddy
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