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CHEAP Cabinet Needed..


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Does anybody have a cheap cabinet suitable to pass a FAC check that is either going gash or isn't being used so could be loaned / rented / sold for silly money to me?


I have managed to put the FEO off untill Friday but I think she is starting to get ****** now. It would be a shame to fall at this final hurdle but I just can't afford £150 for a new cabinet. When I made the application both my wife and I were working now it's just me.


I'm not looking for charity just a helping hand even if just for friday night...


Oh yes I'm in Cornwall so the generousity of the Northern lads can't help this time. :sly:



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just curiouse but why didnt you have everything ready BEFORE you applied for your FAC?:sly:?:thumbs: Its pretty obviouse the first thing they are going to do is call out and check you have somewhere to store your rifles and have a chat with you to see what your living space is like.


I find it hard to belive anyone would apply for FAC without being ready for it.


ROB :blink:

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BH have you checked thebay?




Most are pick up only but some go cheap. Remember you can get a safe from argos for £17 for the ammo so the cabinet doesn't need a seperate locking compartment.




Roblade my Mum told me if you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything at all :sly:

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just curiouse but why didnt you have everything ready BEFORE you applied for your FAC?:sly:?:thumbs: Its pretty obviouse the first thing they are going to do is call out and check you have somewhere to store your rifles and have a chat with you to see what your living space is like.


I find it hard to belive anyone would apply for FAC without being ready for it.


ROB :blink:

Edited to keep the peace...




Edited by BountyHunter
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BH have you checked thebay?




Most are pick up only but some go cheap. Remember you can get a safe from argos for £17 for the ammo so the cabinet doesn't need a seperate locking compartment.




Roblade my Mum told me if you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything at all :sly:

Thanks Tenbears - I had looked but they are all way too far from me.


Cheers for the constructive reply though :thumbs:



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I got my SGC on condition that any guns would be kept at my local club so I received the cert without having a cabinet installed.


It took a couple of months to find the right gun to buy and then a month later I installed a cabinet and had it checked by plod. So you could try that method but you will need a rifle range near you.


Also my mate shares his dads cabinet so do you have anyone you could do that with?


More than one way to skin a cat as they say.



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Not a bad suggestion.


I found a Smiths in Devon who has a s/h 5 rifle cabinet for £70 I think that'll be affordable, he says that it'll only fit 4 scoped rifles at an angle but if it'll do for the time being...


Thanks Guys - well most of you anyway.



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If you haven't already sorted a cabinet, try DJS supplies at Thetford. I got mine from there on a 48hr delivery


Their range starts at £64 for a 2 gun breakdown cabinet up to £99.50 for a 7 gun version.


Their no, is 0800 5877730


They have an advert in ST every week





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BH give Paul Hart a ring mate, he does the BEST deals on cabinets, he wont let you down. His number is in my profile, he sorted me out and went out of his way to do so. Top man indeed. :sly:


It may also be worth explaining your change in circumstance to your FEO as im sure she will understand. :thumbs:

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Be aware of some of the cheap ones, the cheap branded cabinets I found for sale were damaged in some way.


This may not bother most people but it would have annoyed me if my cabinet had turned up with a ruddy great crease in it.


You get what you pay for!

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