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Hello folks,


I joined PW just the other week and this is the first chance Ive had to say hello.


It's probably only fitting that I say a little something about myself...


I live in Fife in Scotland but Im from the other side of the Tay Bridge. Im married with a daughter who will be 3 in June.


Im not new to shooting-I served in the army for 16 years, well it was actually 15 years and 124 days but who's counting? ;) Ive now been out for 4 years.


Im still shooting, mostly vermin but I also stalk. Currently on ticket I hold a .22-250 a .22LR and on SGC a Lanber 12g O/U. I will freely admit Im not the best shot with a shotgun and will only really raise the gun to a bird I know I can drop clean. I know...more practice at the clays would be good for me.


There are a few members on her with whom I shoot fairly regularly, again mostly fox and rabbits etc but I have to add and mention a member (Mr Smith) who cleared me for shooting Roe at one of his places. Graeme is a cracking bloke and I throughly enjoy our get togethers for a lamp or a stalk. Im also a member and moderator of another shooting forum.


Other members of PW I shoot with regularly are Humperdingle (another cracking bloke and a very good friend also) and NathanHutchison-a nice young lad who eats and breathes shooting. :-)


Anyway, thats about me in a nutshell. I look forward to reading posts, contributing and offering advice where I can; probably not on the pigeon front but Im rather experienced in the age old art of foxing.


Thanks for having me.



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