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A couple of Does


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Here is a pic of my last venture out after the Does.


It was pretty cold but I had high hopes as my dad had seen 14 Roe in a 40 acre Turnip field the day before.

It wasn't long before we spotted a Buck and two Does browsing on a winter wheat field. I managed to get round the back of them and use a ridge in the field as cover as they walked across the field.

The buck came into view first, he had a nice size head on him that was still in velvet. I watched him through the scope at 100 yards for about 5 minutes, hoping to bump into him again next month. At the back of him came the two Does, the first was the yearling which stopped nicely for a broadside heart shot at 100 yards. Then the old Doe bounded into view and stopped just long enough for me to put the 22/250 on the base of her neck, as she was standing at an angle to me, she dropped on the spot at 80 yards.

The buck trotted off slowly across the field as though nothing had happened!

We then visited a couple of neighbouring farms to push Pigeons off the winter rape and saw some more Roe, in total 20 for the morning. We had enough meat in these two so left them for another day.







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Thanks guys, :)


I wish I'd have thought of it at the time but the Buck would also have made a great photo as it wandered past me, I had my camera in my back pack too!


It wasn't until after that it entered my head, I could have taken a good few pics before the Does caught it up.



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