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not a bad day


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got meself one of them ultimate floater bouncer thingies;always liked the look of these decoys but never got one.

i was eager to get out and try it;so set up on some rape with just the floater and nothing else so i could see if it pulled birds in and it did straight away it was moving and swaying nicely in the wind and brought a bird right in;then another 5 came round for a look;so had 6 birds in the hour;then they dried up completley;moved to another big area of rape 5 miles away birds here also so picked a spot set up again with statics and floater had a few birds come in but was very slow for an hour;then picked up again between 3pm and 4pm.birds were passing hundreds of yards away so set rotary up to pull them in along with the bouncer worked well;its a good piece of kit and definatley pulled birds in.but as per usual you can;t beat the pulling power of a rotary to bring them distance birds in.

26 shot picked 22





Edited by yickdaz
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Well done mate there brilliant aren't they we been using them for years the 'Chris Green' ones

there the best on the market bit pricey but well worth it the detail is amazing :good:

agree with yer mate the chris green ones are really realistic but twice the price to do same job :good:

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