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last ight and tonight


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the wife informed me that see wanted to watch lets dance last night on telly :mad::mad::mad::mad: well am off out then was my responce a quick call to allan aka (verminator 69)and we agreed to meet at his shoot at 7pm for some lamping on the rabbits .well at first it was not very good jumpy rabbits and **** shooting from me :mad: i was missing some real easy sitters .


got my act together and we changed the filter on the lamp from amber to red and we started to fill the bag with allan driving my landy and lamping and me doing the shooting we started to pick a few off out to about 80 yards + to great affect and we added a few hares to the bad to we finnished at 10pm and had 38 rabbits and 7 hares and we lost about 10 rabbits so quite a good night all in all


then tonight i headed out to a wood on my shoot that pigeons have been going to just before they go to roost and there had been some big numbers using it so got there for 4pm and setteled in for some fun .


after about half an hour the birds started to show over the wood but with no wind they were high and well out from the wood i picked a few off that zipped over head and it stopped just like turning off a light i had managed to bag 5 and a squizzer and on the way back to the car picked 4 more pigeons that must have taked a pellet or to and dropped out of sight

so 9 in all and a squizzer





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nice one :good: must be some bunnies up your neck of the woods

it funny buddy allans shoot is only 10 miles from mine and i have no rabbits round my area at all but allan has loads round his part of the country its more like pockets of rabbits :good:



Hi C3

thanks for a lovely write up and some great pics! :good:

What were you bunny bashing with gunwise?





hi duncan i was using my .22 bruno :good: Edited by cocker3
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