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Football v Rugby


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rooney gets payed millons to play then gets 50k to for england and plays like ****




Every time these posts come up someone has to mention 'overpaid' footballers.


They're paid what they're worth to their club, a price driven by market forces.


If rugby was as popular as footy their players would be paid similar sums. But it's not.........so they don't. Seemples :rolleyes:

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Rugby looks like a easy game,for the stupid big lads but it could not be further from the truth,there are pages of rules and regs and is a complex game with more depths of skill than football ,at amateur levels is a game for all sizes ,no premadonnas required ,I help train my lads team and it's hard work every move can give way to going forward or giving ball away ,a bounce of the ball the wrong way can lose the game ,though we play football in our house as well rugby gets my thumbs up :good:

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Poontang footballer are not worth 250k a week its ******** we are in a ressesion so what does shrek go n do make out hes leaving so he can get more money whilest people are loosing jobs and house he does some thing like that id rather teachers,nurses and our armed forces beinv paid more just proves what people think every football fan i know moan bout price of tickets shirts and how much players are getting paid simple answer dmt indulge the usless selfish ******* now days what has football done for this country nothing we cant win a major tornement no cause footballers have no passion

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Football players and far too many of the fans seem to be a massive bunch of (partially) grown-up chav types. Listening to stories of what goes on around the stadium before and after games makes you wonder what goes through the thugs heads. I belive there are football grounds that have cages for the away fans to walk through because the home 'fans' attack them. Nice.


Its also sad that so called players will throw themselves to the floor holding their heads to alert the medics and stop the game as a tactical play. Some of them seem to go for the foul rather than the goal, theres just no heart in the sport until the last 3 mins. I doubt it was always like this.

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To me rugby just seems so much more flowing, I can't watch football without losing the will to live, each to their own though. The six nations so far has had some pretty good quality rugby being played, I can't wait for the world cup.


Good rugby is just fantastic and flows. Magnificent to watch, its a game of sheer dermination and willpower. **** rugby just results in one snarl up after another. The six nations this year has been exceptional.


Football is just getting worse, a load of tarts diving and play acting. Fooling nobody.

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