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save on clays, shoot s...........s


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I think the reason they were protected is because they are leaving the countryside to live in towns and the twitchers thought it was a population decrease when infact they were just moving into the cities


Newcastle is deafening at 6pm when they all roost on the buildings in the town centre :wub:


I HAVE however notice a huge decline in Sparrows :lol:


But when you think that there are thousands more Magpies Crows Seaguls Rooks and ferral and wood pigeons in the areas now eating the food and forcing the smaller species out i am not suprised.


I have feeders out for Sparrows and finches and tits etc and they are alledgedly impossible for the larger birds to get to. I caught Pigeons on the damn thing the other day helping themselves to the food :<


Not only that they are destroying my Seedlings eating the shoots and shatting all over.


Not for long. They got quite clever as ONE pigeon hops onto the feeder and sticks its ugly beak into the food and throws it to the floor for the others to eat.


So i was punching paper the other day and they turned up to raid the feeder again ;)


I Managed to get 3 woodies a ferral and a collered.


BUT now i have twice as many comming into the garden now :o


I may have to change the feeders again as they can empty a 3 litre feeder in less than half a day there are that many of em :<



Edited by Lord Geordie
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