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Spotlights for front of shooting motor?

Evil Elvis

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why do you want spots, waste of time and money if you think you can use them for lamping. Unless you go out shotgunning rabbits then they are worse than useless as you have little control over the beam, have too much light and not enough range on them

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Depends where you are shooting, my mate shoots 1000's of bunnies every year only using the 2 hells lamps on the front of his disco!!! Ive been looking at the wipac sports.......



I bought a set of 4 x Wipac 6 3/4" Spots with 100watt bulbs in each for £50 delivered from




Plastic backed (and the bottom bracket plates are plastic - which breaks but isnt needed) and cheap but do a totally satisfactory job. I just flick them on now and then and sweep round in the truck - the bunnies just stop and let you shoot them.....


Well worth £50.

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why do you want spots, waste of time and money if you think you can use them for lamping. Unless you go out shotgunning rabbits then they are worse than useless as you have little control over the beam, have too much light and not enough range on them

+1 :good:

You will get better results with hand held lamp and rifle :yes:

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