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off ticket


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Depends on why the said gun is off ticket . If a family heirloom or a gun found in an attic or some widows husbands gun then contact your local fire arms department and they will putit on your ticket . If from your local drug dealer or found hidden with a stash of bank notes ,stay well clear .


Harnser .

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You don't say whether it's a shotgun or firearm,or if you have both SGC and FAC,but assuming you have both,take it along to your local RFD.If it's a shotgun he can simply transfer it to your SGC after transfering it to his register.If it's a firearm and you don't have the relevant slot,he can't register it onto your FAC until you have the slot,nor can he allow you to take it away with you,but he can store it until you get the relevant variation.

I did this with a section 1 shotgun some time ago,then discovered it had never been proofed!It is on my ticket as 'given'.

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Thats an interesting link. Find it hard to believe tho that a charity shop worker who found a gun dumped outside her shop would be locked up though.


When my uncle who was a farmer died, we had to sort out loads of shotguns he had. For us it was just a case of adding them to my SGC. Letter was sent to police same as when I buy a gun, saying these were my uncles, he`s passed on, here are the details and they are now mine. He actually had several guns which were not registered on his license. I had no problems with them going onto mine and subsequently sold them off with no problems.

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how do i get a gun that is off ticket to be on my ticket


Same as I did, talked to my FEO(Here we could go again with different regions :angry: ) about finding in it my old man's loft when clearing out the house to sell. Said, just write a letter explaining the find and want to put it on you ticket. No problem

The main thing is, if not a registered shotgun/firearm, it is one more off the unknown and now it is "on record"

The only thing is, how did you come across it? :hmm:

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i inherited an off ticket gun that was in a family members loft when he died, i took it to the local gun shop, they kept it for 24 hours and done some checks on it to make sure it hadnt been used ilegally etc etc. they called me next day to come and collect it and signed it onto my ticket and sent the paperwork off to the firearms office. no probs at all.

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