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Beretta auto cycling problems


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I got a new Beretta ES100 and shot quite a bit with it over the past 6 months of having it. However, it now jams quite a bit even though I keep it clean and oiled. The second cartridge will get stuck in the chamber and not slide into the barrel. It happens about every 12 shots. Any ideas why this is? I usually use ounce load shells, or 32 gramme.

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I got a new Beretta ES100 and shot quite a bit with it over the past 6 months of having it. However, it now jams quite a bit even though I keep it clean and oiled. The second cartridge will get stuck in the chamber and not slide into the barrel. It happens about every 12 shots. Any ideas why this is? I usually use ounce load shells, or 32 gramme.



i have the same problem with my hatsan now and then, and its kept clean an oiled. i use 32gs. :good:


no nasty comments please hatsan haters :lol::good:

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My Beretta A390 never misses a beat, a while back it suddenly developed the fault of jamming before the second shot, the only thing different was 65mm cases. For some reason these don't seem to slide straight into the chamber. A return to the same load (1 oz) in 70mm cases back to perfect cycling. By the way I don't clean or oil that gun very often.

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Beretta ES100 mate, so yeah defo a Beretta


I don't think it's a Beretta action even though it carries their name.


From what I understand most parts are borrowed from the Benelli range and the design is about 20odd years old and was originally called a Pintail in America.


Not knocking it, but it seems to be a Benelli action minus the rotating bolt face so it may be as helpful to look towards those if you are having problems as much as Beretta :good:

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Beretta ES100 mate, so yeah defo a Beretta


I'm not familiar with the ES100, however my AL391 is ultra reliable. It's rarely stripped unless it gats wet, otherwise about once a month. Just use a little oil on the contact points on the bolt etc, keep the rest of it oil free.


Mine is just over a year old and has had over 12K cartridges through it, 24g 70mm and only had 3 hang ups, 2 following a recoil spring change and 1 because it didn't feel like being fired or i hadn't pushed it in home.


Put the first cart in and slam the breech shut and then feed the second.



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Do a search on the problem as i had the same problem with my al391. The second cartridge gets hung up on the breach? did alot of research and turned out its a common problem with the berettas. Its the carrier that feeds the next cartridge, some come out the factory bent. Take the trigger group out, putt the carrier flat on a table and see if it rocks, good way off testing ifs its bent. if you ring beretta they know theres a problem and will replace the carrier. Not really worth sending the gun off for however long it takes. I just put it in the vice and bent it with a screwdriver back so it was straight again, seems to be ok now.


Nothing to do with cartridge load :no:



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my understanding is these are inertia operated not gas, so completely different to 'normal' beretta semi auto's.


the only time i get a hang on my benelli is if i dont push the cartridge in the tube in far enough.

seem to be able to put one in the tube but not completely home, have to make sure you over push nthem into the tube.


other thing that may be worth trying is stripping the bolt down and cleaning the insides out,

assuming the bolt is like the benelli bolts with the inertia spring inside.

theres a bit in the benelli manual about this and it should be done fairly regularly on the inertia benellis.

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