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Just wondering what you all do with your guns if you're away on holiday?. Up until now there's always been someone in the house while I've been away but as my eldest is looking at moving to Manchester later this year that will change.


So, what are the legal requirements?, do I have to store them with an RFD or my gun club or just leave them in the cabinet but let the FEO I will be away?. There will be someone checking the house for me at least twice a day as we have cats to see to, they will open curtains etc. on a morning, check things at lunch time and close curtains, put lights on etc. at night.

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There is no legal requirement for you to do anything because of your abscence.Obviously your gun/guns must be locked away as normal.

You can make the house look as though it is occupied by fitting security light adaptors that switch a light/s on and off at night and you can leave a radio on.

You have got someone visiting daily so they can ensure that there is no post sticking out of the letter box or is visible on the mat.



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I will try :)


2 weeks in Sunny Florida, got a new baby to go and see (if it arrives on time!) and will spend most of the time waiting for my Autistic son to adjust to the time difference (he doesn't adapt well) and then sit while he plays on World of Warcraft as there's "nothing interesting" to do in Florida!, well apart from go shooting of course :)


And of course I have all my shooting stuff to collect from my friends and trying to fit it in 2 suitcases :)

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I just lock my guns away and that`s all, the police have it on database that my house has firearms in it so if they get a call i have been burgled they know to check if they are missing or not.


however i have just come back from holiday and i cant remember where i put my keys?!?! i have a spare set with my car keys but i had a smaller bunch with my 3 cabinet keys on i hid somewhere and i can`t remember where, does anyone know if you can get those round/circle keys cut and the other keys for gun cabinetes with teeth both sides of the stick thing?

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I agree with just go away and chill for the 2 weeks, but it's not what my feo told me who I thought was a tool. He said if you go away on holiday for more than 2 weeks you should lodge your guns with your local rfd. Nah I don't think so. He said because thiefs could break in and have all the time in the world to access your cabinet. I thought Erm no they won't cos alarm will be on and I have a good couple of neighbours. And plus how the hell much

Is it to store guns. Tbh I wouldn't worry especially with someone checking on the cats everyday. Have a good one.

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