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Shotgun Damage

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had exactly same - claimed on household and had a new gun - funny thing is they never wanted old one -- I did get a gunsmith valuation on damage and costed up new gun - sent both to insurance company. - this was nearly 20 yrs ago and things may have changed.



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I won't laugh, I went fishing yesterday and leaned over a bridge with my Mobile in my top pocket. My lad heard the splash and said was that a fish!!


To answer your question your household insurance should cover it up to a certain value if your guns are not listed individually on your policy.

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Sorry to hijack your thread gameshooter!


Would I have to specify my guns on my household insurance for them to be covered? All my guns are well below any "single item" limit I have on my policy; But not sure if being guns they would be treated differently.

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talk to them Cosd or have a look at the policy small print, some do with no issues some you need to mention them. Have to say I'm over the limit on a couple so really ought to look into insuring them I just never have up till now.


AFAIK no shooting organisation gives any cover for your guns they are retricted to personal accident and third party liability only though they do usually have links to specialist gun insurers

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talk to them Cosd or have a look at the policy small print, some do with no issues some you need to mention them. Have to say I'm over the limit on a couple so really ought to look into insuring them I just never have up till now.


AFAIK no shooting organisation gives any cover for your guns they are retricted to personal accident and third party liability only though they do usually have links to specialist gun insurers




Just called Direct Line, they have noted now that I have guns at home, but since none are above my £5k single item limit, I do not need to specify them. They are covered away from the house but not during use, so they are covered during transportation, getting stolen from the car/clubhouse etc. So I'm happy with that!

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