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bolt action versus semi auto


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Production bolt actions against production semi's will always shoot tighter groups but as 'Dannywayoflife' says once you start putting aftermarket barrels on the semis,its a close call!

I also have a full custom ruger 10/22 and it puts bullet on bullet at 50yards! Hard to believe you can achieve this accuracy from a semi but they are great night time rabbiters for quick shots but its vital you clean the action every 200 rounds or so or you will start to get misfires and stuck rounds when ejecting.



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Semis are great for lamping, they allow you to shoot multiple rabbits without breaking sight picture which carnt be said about a bolt gun. Most factory semis will need work to make them super accurate but to be honest I think your better off saving a litte longer and going to syss and getting a custom jobbie. That's what I did and it's a keeper!!!

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Production bolt actions against production semi's will always shoot tighter groups but as 'Dannywayoflife' says once you start putting aftermarket barrels on the semis,its a close call!

I also have a full custom ruger 10/22 and it puts bullet on bullet at 50yards! Hard to believe you can achieve this accuracy from a semi but they are great night time rabbiters for quick shots but its vital you clean the action every 200 rounds or so or you will start to get misfires and stuck rounds when ejecting.



I agree with above, i have a Ruger 10/22 with a aftermarket barrel, it is very good. But mine gets cleaned after about 500 rounds and i have no problem with misfires or stuck rounds.

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Semis are great for lamping, they allow you to shoot multiple rabbits without breaking sight picture which carnt be said about a bolt gun. Most factory semis will need work to make them super accurate but to be honest I think your better off saving a litte longer and going to syss and getting a custom jobbie. That's what I did and it's a keeper!!!

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Semis are great for lamping, they allow you to shoot multiple rabbits without breaking sight picture which carnt be said about a bolt gun. Most factory semis will need work to make them super accurate but to be honest I think your better off saving a litte longer and going to syss and getting a custom jobbie. That's what I did and it's a keeper!!!


my dedicated lamping gun is a browning buckmark, knocks them down ok, less faffing than using the bolt, holding the lampswitch, just something less to worry about.

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