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Exactly where did 3-4 FPE to kill a rabbit come from ?

Salop Matt

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As above, there seems to be a fair bit of speculation on this but, is there a scource of tryed tested and proven evidence that 3 or 4 FPE is whats is required to kill a rabbit with the shot in the right place ?


Or are these figures soley from peoples speculations and estimates ?


If there are any tests / facts available could some one point me in the right direction of them ?





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From my own experience I've shot rabbits with a 6ftlb pistol out to 25 odd yards. That delivers around 4 ftlb with an 8.4gr pellet out that far. Headshots were instant dead, vitals shot tend to make them breakdance for a bit longer but they still died. (Though you do get more runners that make it back to the warren to die).

Mostly power rules as we know, but certain situations demand for less energy being thrown around and I've found that 4fltb odd still does the job. :good:

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If you are really keen to get a definative answer then put a dead rabbit out at a distance that will equate to 4 ftlb (Chairgun suggests that would be around 90 yards for my rifle!) and take a few shots, then check to see if the pellet penetrates the skull enough to do the business. Ok, you may have to taket LOTS of shots at that distance to get the 'perfect' head shot but you'd get a fair idea of the damage done to both the body and head of a bunny.

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gives totally the wrong idea this sort of thing. You can kill most things with most things if shot placement is totally perfect an air pistol would kill a lion i supose but you would have to be real dumb to try it :lol: - use enough gun and keep the ranges sensible :good:

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As above, there seems to be a fair bit of speculation on this but, is there a scource of tryed tested and proven evidence that 3 or 4 FPE is whats is required to kill a rabbit with the shot in the right place ?


Or are these figures soley from peoples speculations and estimates ?


If there are any tests / facts available could some one point me in the right direction of them ?






nickbeardo has a chart which does indeed suggest the US.


I don't know of any specific test results but it isn't rocket science to judge from your own historical results, or even set up your own test. :good:


3-4ft lb at the point of delivery, in the right place, sounds about right to me.


What can be achieved is often a lot different to what people should be trying though!



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