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Out a walk with the CZ


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Went out this evening a walk to bag a couple of bunnies. I decided before I went out that I only wanted a few because I wanted 1 to cook and a couple for the ferret. I also decided that I would go for head shots as I was confident of my zero.


The first rabbit was approximately 35 yards facing away from me, so I only had the back of the head to aim at. I used a fencepost to get steady and that was 1 rabbit in the bag. The rabbit that was sitting with this one bounded off, I got a quick shot at it before it made a hole but I missed :oops: . The next rabbit was a bit more straight forward, about 30 yards away crouched down and I took it off the sticks, another one in the bag and another head shot.


The final rabbit was a bit further (approx 80-90 yards) so I changed magazines from my Eley subs to my Winchester Super Speed HV's. Now a know a lot of you guys will not believe me, but I can interchange between HV's & Subs and it doesn't affect my accuracy. I zero the Eley Subs at 55-60 yards and the Winchester HV's are then bang on at 90 yards. It means that I can take bunnies a bit further away by literally changing mags. Anyway, the final rabbit presented itself lovely and because I was down on the Bipod I decided to take another head shot...bang on and the 3rd rabbit in the bag.



Picture of the final bag



Picture to prove the head shots. The rabbit with the eyes bulged out was the 1 I shot with the HV's

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Thanks for the tip mate! Must try the HV rounds through my 452 and see if I get the same results. An absolute blinder if they work for me. :)


I have tried loads of HV rounds with my Eley zero and some of them weren't accurate, however, the Winchester ones I use are very good through it. The longest one I took last summer was 135 yards.

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Now a know a lot of you guys will not believe me, but I can interchange between HV's & Subs and it doesn't affect my accuracy. I zero the Eley Subs at 55-60 yards and the Winchester HV's are then bang on at 90 yards.



Nice one Ollie :) , it`s nice to see someone take the trouble to the extent of giving themselves such versatility. I`ve often wanted to do the same but never had the time to devote to extended test sessions. Do you not find that accuracy suffers without the barrel being fouled in with the HV`s first?

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Well done mate, good shooting :good: :good: :good:


Nice gun you got there. What model is it??? Calibre??? Barrel length???


Cheers mate. The gun is CZ 452 'Style' .22lr, 16" barrel with Simmons Aetec scope sitting on top.


Nice one Ollie :) , it`s nice to see someone take the trouble to the extent of giving themselves such versatility. I`ve often wanted to do the same but never had the time to devote to extended test sessions. Do you not find that accuracy suffers without the barrel being fouled in with the HV`s first?


The HV's aren't obviously as accurate as the subs and you do tend to get the odd flyer. However, I did try a lot of HV ammo to see which one worked best so I would say this fouled the barrel for me.

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