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Out lamping tonight and had a misfire in the cz 452 using eley subs,chambered it again and this time it fired :hmm:

Had a couple of rounds that havent chambered properly and needed help,dont usually have this trouble with eleys,might be a duff batch.

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Out lamping tonight and had a misfire in the cz 452 using eley subs,chambered it again and this time it fired :hmm:

Had a couple of rounds that havent chambered properly and needed help,dont usually have this trouble with eleys,might be a duff batch.


Give the gun a clean.

especially the chamber area.

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What a job :o its a scirocco mod,the first baffle came out ok but they then got harder and ended up making a tool to remove the remainder :oops:

It took me ages to clean all the build up off,which again got worse the closer to the barrel end and the last 4 were showing signs of deforming in the shape of a ring round the centre of the baffle.

Pulled a bore snake through the barrel,then set to work on the chamber with some bore cleaner and cotton buds.

I now have one clean rifle that needs testing in the field :D

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in connection with misfires, remember to keep gun pointed in a safe direction and wait a while before raising the bolt and when you do raise that bolt do so in a safe manner (ie gun laid out on its side with no bady part rear of the bolt). even a rimfire has the potential to have a hang fire and blow the bolt back into your face just as you lift it. most likely your problem was crud and the issue is now resolved, just though it worth mentioning incase it was a faulty batch :good:

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How often does it mis-fire? And have you tried other ammo?

My 452 was mis-fireing a lot, every 4 or 5 rounds, driving me mad. Took it back to the gun shop and they replaced the striker spring. Haven't had a problem since. You can buy the springs from Yodave on ebay, about £12. I think the springs are 10% more powerful than standard. Worth a go.

I've just got the trigger kit from him for mine. What a difference!


I would also try cleaning the bolt out, there are videos on how to strip them on youtube. It could be some muck around the firing pin.

Edited by rtaylor
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I once had a problem of misfiring with mine.

I had caused it by greasing the spring inside the bolt.

Removed the grease and replaced it with a light coating of oil and problem fixed.


Probably nothing do do with your problem as it would not effect chambering a round... but may be of use to someone :unsure:

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