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Oil or not to oil

the enigma

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I was recently in a gunshop and was talking to RFD about cleaning an .17hmr. He said, that after cleaning the bore,you shouldn't let oil anywhere near it,as it could lead to the barrel swelling the next time a round was fired.


What are your thoughts on this?


Common sense would suggest that when you clean back to bare metal,you should use something to prevent corrosion,if not gun oil is there anything else? Or is it the case that you give bore really good patching out before use?

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Oil left in the barrel can cause what is known as ring bulging . This is caused by the bullet in a rifle or the concentrated shot and wads in a shotgun trying to pass the oil left in the barrel . The oil will not compress and so the barrel will bulge out wards and leave a ring bulge on the outside of the barrel . In extreme cases the barrel can let go .



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Oil left in the barrel can cause what is known as ring bulging . This is caused by the bullet in a rifle or the concentrated shot and wads in a shotgun trying to pass the oil left in the barrel . The oil will not compress and so the barrel will bulge out wards and leave a ring bulge on the outside of the barrel . In extreme cases the barrel can let go .





this is something ive never heard of. I would normaly say "nah, what a load of ********", but if Harnser says so, then go with what he tells u :good:

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Ring bulging can also happen if the inside of the barrel is wet . This is quite a common occurrence and you should always make sure that your barrel is free of oil and water before shooting . A couple of passes with a clean patch is all that is needed to insure a clean dry barrel .


Harnser .

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A simple tip when out in the rain with a rifle is to stick a piece of tape over the muzzle and carry the gun upright with the muzzle in the air . Carried this way any water will not get into the action and run into the chamber but will run to the back of the bolt carrier . And yes you can shoot straight through the tape with out any adverse effect on accuracy or pressure build up . I have allways used masking tape .



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I watched a Blaser video and they showed the results of a rain drop down a barrel.


The barrel had been sectioned, so it was easy to see the results, and there was perfect donut bulge right around it, which was visible from the outside as well.

The video went into detail showing the effects of oil, water, and a blockage, and whilst people get away with it 99.9% of the time, the one time it goes wrong, it goes really wrong.


If you use oil, or anuthing else, down the barrel, the best way to clear it is to use meths, or the wife's nail varnish remover, on the last two patches, as this should remove any residue.

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A simple tip when out in the rain with a rifle is to stick a piece of tape over the muzzle and carry the gun upright with the muzzle in the air . Carried this way any water will not get into the action and run into the chamber but will run to the back of the bolt carrier . And yes you can shoot straight through the tape with out any adverse effect on accuracy or pressure build up . I have allways used masking tape .



During the Falklands conflict we always put a Durex over the muzzles of the Oerlikons. The first round in the magazine was always non-explosive, just to be sure! :o

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