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Shot in peas


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Phoned the farmer today for a chat.Talking about shooting he says to avoid shooting over the peas as shot has been found in some pods.Found this surprising, just wondered if any other shooters have come across this? Skye.

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I have heard of whole fields being rejected because lead shot has been found in the pea samples. Luckily, none of the farmers that grow peas that i shoot for, have ever requested that i stop shooting the peas when they come into pod. Some farmers do, though.

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I can see the logic that its possible to get lead shot in the peas if the crop is fired into and that would be undesirable.


But most of the peas I have ever shot over are for human consumption and I have never been asked to stop shooting once the pods form.


My "organic" comment was because a friend lost a 50 acre smallholding because it went organic, no shooting permitted.

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All my farmers were told that when the peas come in to pod to allow no shooting over them but they all told me to carry on shooting them , this year they have told the farmers to shoot over the peas even when in pod as a few farms that stopped the shooting last year lost there peas to pigeons :lol:

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One of my permissions advised me along these lines last year - shot had been detected inside peas by the metal detectors when the peas were processed. The theory was that the shot finds it's way in during possing and the pea essentially grows around it.


But - no peas whatsoever on that farm this year, so it's not been a problem.


One of my other permissions does have peas but the pigeons haven't touched it for weeks now - they prefer the lucerne.

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