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feral pigeons


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If you shooting up into the rafters, get "front on", I prob dont need to tell you not to shoot at a bum sticking out, and we always used to aim for the bit between the chest and the head, usually resulted in a heart/lung shot or head shot and a clean kill.


Hope it helps



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It depends on what angle you are shooting them from, from below you will have to visualise where the heart/lungs are and aim there. Ferals are quite small so at those ranges you shouldn't have a problem with under-penetration.


Remember that when you are shooting up at an angle you will need to aim lower than normal as the pellet won't drop as much as it would when shooting horizontally.

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At that distance with a .22 then almost anywhere except straight through the wings.


Straight up the **** may not sound pleasant but get it right and it certainly works.


Please don't try and get too clever and try the bull you hear all the time...."I always take head shots on pigeons"! :lol::hmm:



Edited by Dekers
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If you shooting up into the rafters, get "front on", I prob dont need to tell you not to shoot at a bum sticking out, and we always used to aim for the bit between the chest and the head, usually resulted in a heart/lung shot or head shot and a clean kill.


Hope it helps



What ? You need to shoot all birds in the back straight through the lungs and never between the head and chest as that's its crop sack and will just fly off. If a side shot just aim under its wing joint as that's the heart shot. I've known pigeons fly off with half a head so a good shot in the areas I said are best. I'm guessing if their feral they might be some with rings on the feet still but don't panic as they will only have their necks pulled if they made it home.

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if you shoot a pigeon in that area it will make a nice puff of feathers and the poor ****** will fly off with some lead in it, if your aiming side on aim just infornt of the wing but not the crop, and if front on as said before make sure you shoot low and to the side under the wing

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What ? You need to shoot all birds in the back straight through the lungs and never between the head and chest as that's its crop sack and will just fly off. If a side shot just aim under its wing joint as that's the heart shot. I've known pigeons fly off with half a head so a good shot in the areas I said are best. I'm guessing if their feral they might be some with rings on the feet still but don't panic as they will only have their necks pulled if they made it home.


Yep totally agree, though i aint never seen one fly off with half a head! I like the back shot most of all but it can only be done well from above or when they are clinging to a wall looking for the exit :good: Shooting them up the bum just doesn't work, i tried it twice at very short range indeed- will never do so again its just plain cruel. I avoid head shots in buildings unless the owner is with me and says take it, too much chance of property damage. never shoot dead centre line on the chest frontal though as if you land it correctly it will be largely deflected by the breast bone after the feathers, that why i like the back shot (minumum feathers thin backbone no real flesh and straight into the vitals) generaly bang flops :good:

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At that distance with a .22 then almost anywhere except straight through the wings.


Straight up the **** may not sound pleasant but get it right and it certainly works.


Please don't try and get too clever and try the bull you hear all the time...."I always take head shots on pigeons"! :lol::hmm:




The good old "Texas heart shot" ouch!


Was shooting ferals on a London building site. Either front on chest shot, and as mentioned slightly off centre/ 45 degree front left or right will do it. Best I have found is from the rear of chest, but have to be level or above. From under bird definite off centre front chest shot

Edited by wilam
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