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My first ever Fox

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Well lads, I was out checking the larsen traps at about half 2 today and when I was moving one of them I could hear these two magpies calling like mad so I looked to were the calling was coming from and I seen the two magpies following this brown thing at first I taught it was a pheasant but I soon realised it was a fox, disaster(I'd no rifle with me) so had to walk back to the house which was about 20 mins away.


So 40 mins later I was coming up the field were I'd seen the fox, I had the intention of trying to call him in but as I getting through a gap in the fence I looked up and seen the head of a fox about 30 yards away, so I slowly came back from the fence and just as I was putting the rifle on the post the fox went over the brow of the hill :angry: I tried calling for about 1 min but I new he wouldnt come back, So I climbed the fence and started to make me way around the fields in the direction I taught he went, not a sign of him anywhere He must have legged it I taught or maybe sneaked into an Earth.


Just as I was about to give up I heard two magpies calling like mad again about two fields away from me, so I headed in that direction and I was coming right up on the magpie , he flew off the tree and there in the field about 40 yrds away was a fox. He diddnt have a clue I was there, he was walking from left to right, I'd nowhere to lean the rifle so I took a standing shot and too see him drop was brilliant.


It was a dog fox!


I was using my Hmr, with 17gr federal V-max!


Im absolutely chuffed to bits :D:D


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