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I've got a camo net and just got some decoys, an was going to try it but on most things I see they all have shot guns, does anyone else decoy with an air rifle ? I'm not after real big bags just a few. Do you guys who do this go about it the same way or is there special things to no about ? Or could it even be better as they are much quieter ? As I was going to angle the net Upto the hedge rows lay down an when I see the pigeons lift the net up just over my scope so just my barrel and front lens are sticking out? Would this work ? Confused really on this. Cheers for any advice, real newbie at this I'm used to just walking round and seeing what I can get

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Its hard to get decent bags with a shotgun most of the time so you need to be real good to do well with an Airgun.Getting birds to land and stay still long enough for you to get a shot off is an art in itself.It can be done but the very fact that pigeons generally dont like to feed close to hedgerows where they can get ambushed by foxes/cats e.t.c. makes it difficult to get within range.If I were you I would sit and watch where the birds are feeding and then look for a "sitty" tree nearby-pigeons like to land and have a recce before committing to feed/land and if you can get within range of the tree (you can loft a couple of deeks if they need any encouragement)then you can get some great sport.

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Before i had my shotgun i used to do this, however the decoys would pull them in to land but then they would just fly to the nearest pheasant feeders and go there so you have very little time to actually gett them before they realise something isnt right. The most i ever got was about 10 ish i think, i dont think its worth the time and effort setting up then sitting for hours if they arnt coming in IMHO :/ . Dont think about putting corn down to keep them there longer, its illegal to do that i think.


You may have more luck than me, ill be interested to see how you get on, you may aswell give it a go, good luck!

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