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Best way to get rid of wasp nest in the garden?


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Please please whatever you do if it's any of the above FILM IT...it'll no doubt make the annual 'Gene Pool' awards! :lol:


Seriously, get some of that spray foamy stuff, wait until near dark (when all the little boogers have returned to the nest) and cover it in the stuff. End of.


Talking of Gene Pool Awards there was one some years back where two guys (only in America of course) put a stick of dynamite in a hornets nest and stood indoors watching for the bang. They had to be hospitalised when the dynamite went off and blew out the window they were looking through. Classic!

Edited by Highlander
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My grandad had a jam jar full of cyanide for doing over wasps. He used to put half a teaspoon of it in a little piece of cloth, dip it in water and then poke it in the nest. It was amazing stuff, they used to fly out of the nest and die in mid air! It was really funny to watch.


It was a laugh getting rid of that jar when he died. My dad drove around three police stations trying to hand it in and none would take it. In the end he told the last place he was going to go outside and tip it down the drain in the road..... They took it off of him faster than you could blink! :lol:

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.177 and head shots only :good:

Or use a 17HMR and then its head shots at 300 yards! ;)


A friend of mine did the firework/air-bomb trick in his shed, it did destroy the nest . . . and the felt roof . . . . and part of the timber wall. Still, it was impressive to watch :yp: :lol:



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We had a huge wasp nest on the farm a few years back and such was its location that it was causing massive logistical grief. After the workers had pondered what to do with it for days the guvnor dissappeared off to the work shop and a few minutes later we heard the widow maker (the ancient loader tractor) start up and then it drove into the court yard. He edged in to the nest that was at height and positioned the loader right up tight to it then shut down, jumped down and went in and plugged in the long reach vacuum that he'd lashed to the loader arm. Heath Robinson would have been proud. Everything going in or coming out ended up in the hoover and after two hours there wasnt a wasp to be seen.


He was looking well pleased with him self so I said 'that worked a treat John but how are you going to get the wasps out of the hoover?' He said, 'well.... I'm not.... you are!'

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