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wet holkham show


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well holkham has been and gone for another couple of years , and im sorry to say this year was as poor as the weather . half the stands of the previous year , more money on the gate and the only "gun" shop there was churchills of dereham who brought their same **** attitude with them .


i do really feel for alan and his team from fair clay targets who set up and manned the clay stands though out the rain. it was a poor turn out of guns yesterday by all accounts and today was a wash out again . thanks for sitting in the rain guys whilst i shot like a total muppet !


well feet ache , dogs knackered and mrs happy with arty farty stuf she bought .


hope others braved the rain , it was ok for a show but not up to holkham standards


moan over


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I was there all weekend...


I've not been before, but the lack of guns was a poor show :( That said, I found some of the other stalls actually quite decent and not the usual gamefair tosh of Double Glazing and Cars!


My springer did me proud in the Lake Scurry too :good:

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