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Yet another stealth tax supported by this government!!!!!!!




Apparently as of the 1st April 2006 the new digital automated tracking system between junctions 3 & 7b on the M42 is scheduled to go live.


There are 276 Digital Cameras which have been set to 2MPH tolerance


You will not see any flash. The 1st you will know when you have been caught is the day the postman delivers the £60 fine


Be careful out there


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Its too difficult to remmeber all of the speed camera systems, just dont speed and youll be fine.


As the politicians like to put it, its an optional tax, you can choose not to pay it by not speeding.


I'm totally against the principle of speed cameras however. I see them as a big distrust of the government of its people. They say if they save just one life then they are worth it. There is no evidence however that speed cameras save lives. They dont make our roads safer because speed doesnt kill, its the incompetance of the driver that kills.

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Its too difficult to remmeber all of the speed camera systems, just dont speed and youll be fine.


As the politicians like to put it, its an optional tax, you can choose not to pay it by not speeding.


I'm totally against the principle of speed cameras however. I see them as a big distrust of the government of its people. They say if they save just one life then they are worth it. There is no evidence however that speed cameras save lives. They dont make our roads safer because speed doesnt kill, its the incompetance of the driver that kills.

That is the most sensible thing I have heard today, infact for a long time.

If people drove sensibly then there would be no cameras. Fact.

Everybody makes mistakes, me included but if we make them then we must pay the consequences and not whine about it.

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I aggree with some of your points and as a fireman who has saw not what just lax driving does but also they were driving too fast I disagree because speeding exessivley does impact in you chances of survival. I disagree in the way in which speed cameras are used to bring revenue in for local authoritys. You must of saw like myself many a case where dangerous drivers have been given pathetic prison sentences for killing or maiming peaple in road accidents. Instead of making a money from this situation why do they not make the punshment fit the crime and use that as an incentive not to speed .

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I guess if this came from you William as a Firefighter it has to be factual.




I have become wary of these updates - after I got the email about SPECS camera's on the M4. Thames Valley Police go so many calls about it they put a statement up on their website telling everyone it was a hoax.


Looks like a real one <_<



Edited by stuartp
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If I could believe that the only reason for placing them was road safety, I wouldn't have a problem with them.


However, I believe that they are a stealth tax and a cynical way of raising money whilst hiding behind safety excuses.


The Magna Carta was supposed to protect us against this sort of taxation. The simple truth is that people won't like obeying any law they think is unfair and road speed is one that they think they should be the best judge of.


If you check the amount of accident reduction since cameras were introduced, its easy to see that more cameras don't make for bigger reductions. That's because they've run out of black spots to plonk them on and, not being able to miss the opportunity to raise money, are rolling them out all over.


Tony Blair's always going on about "respect". Its time he gave some to the innocent people that are being criminalised by traps like these.


How can you trust the Police when they're behind stuff like this?

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Well stuartp factual from what I see with eye it makes sense really the faster you go the harder it hurts basically. I am no angel myself I have never touch wood had a ticket but I'm sure I have exceeded the limit in speed maybe the law is the law on speed or anything else however nides seems to understand what I am getting at.

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Well I aggree that its the person behind the wheel that decides whether or not to speed. But I also feel that said cameras can cause as many accidents as they save. How many times have you been in traffic and the guy in front slams on his breaks when he sees a camera cauisng teh rest of teh line of traffic to do the same. It only takes on less than alert (on the phone perhaps?) driver and hey presto somone is in your boot!


William, I aggree with what you say about the pathetic sentences that criminals get these days. IMO they should stop letting those that are already in out early for starters.

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Speed doesn't kill fact! your probably safer doing 160 mph you talking out your **** mate. lets hope when you have a blow out at 160 or even 80 you don't kill yourself or even worse someone who is adhering to the speed limit

Edited by henry d
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Speed doesn't  kill fact! your probably safer doing 160 mph you talking out your a@@e mate.  lets hope when you have a blow out at 160 or even 80 you don't kill yourself or even worse someone who is adhering to the speed limit

In my book you don’t tell some one they are talking out there a@#e then call them m8!!


I doubt that their would be any one adhering to a speed limit on a deserted stretch of motor way because deserted means in this context 1: left desolate or empty. If you are intent on doing 160MPH on the track or road I suggest you use the correct rated tyres and you should not have much likelihood of a blow out.


Buy cheep and you might not get the chance to buy twice in this case!!


I know of people who routinely speed day in day out that have been driving for over 1,000,000 miles without an accident because hazards are dully noted and respected


If speed kills how come every one that flies in an aircraft at 500mph does not die?

How come every one who goes above the speed limits in the UK does not die?

How come all Germans are don’t die on the Auto bahns?


Speed does not kill


Driving like a t#t or in some cases just being damned unlucky kills.



Edited by Devilishdave
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Speed doesn't kill. Energy kills!


Northants police are forever turning the cameras round, to face the opposite direction, so catching motorists out. Their latest plan is to use cameras that take a picture from both directions to catch those who slow down then, speed up, after passing the camera. This idea is also to catch the number plates of motor cycles, which are only at the rear of the bike. You have to be on your guard around here!!

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Watch out in London, they're introducing cameras that no longer require any human input. The cameras are smaller, mounted on a higher pole and don't flash anymore, (so you don't even have the excitement of waiting for the 14 day NIP <_< ).

The information is passed straight through to a computer and that issues the ticket.

The police have no control over these cameras, and I have to agree with earlier comments that they seem like a revenue boosting initiative.


P. :lol:

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I've got one of these :


"The Driver's Survival Handbook", (6th Edition 2005), by Martin Thwaite.

Streetwise Publications. Paperback. Don't know how much it costs as my copy was a gift. Probably less than a tenner.


The author is ex-traffic Plod.


The book tells you how to fight / dispute tickets (parking, speeding, etc.).


It is a VERY useful book.


I got done by a speed camera about a year or so ago. This would have been my 3rd speeding (caught by camera) offense. But I had the book in time for this one.

So NO fine and NO points.

I won't say on an open forum just how easy it was to get off.

But that book is a really great book - I mean, how much is your license worth to you ?


the Lizard

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I got one of these:




Cheap and very effective. Would recommend.

Is it any good for moblie cameras? It says that it has a list of possible areas for a mobile camera but it doesn't detect them so do you still get a nasty shock from time to time?

The only thing that works for mobile (or hand-held) speed cameras is a device called a Target Laser Jammer.


At about £400 - plus fitting - it aint cheap. It gives you an audible warning alarm, after which you have about 6 or 7 seconds to get your speed back down to the legal limit.


It works by causing an error reading on the camera and you then have between five and ten seconds before the camera can reset itself.


It does not work on any other type of camera though. But it is ideal for rural & small town areas where they only have mobile van traps. It is about the size of a cigarette packet and fits under the front number plate. (N.B. Mobile Speed traps nearly always target on-coming traffic.)



the Lizard

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Its worth noting that Laser Jammers are highly illegal because effectively you are perverting the court of justice by using one so you are commiting two offenses.


Laser detectors do work but only if plod is using it on cars infront because the laser is 'scattered' off of the glass/ plastic parts of the other cars being detected by yourself then being able to slow down. But if they target you then you can do nothing because they have noted your speed.


If you are caught speeding by speed traps (not cameras) the police must stop you on the spot. You need to take your own notes, noting everything about the circumstances on factual detail. If its raining or there is clouds of dust in the air then you must note it down.


If you want to avoid the speed cameras (80% of them) then buy yourself a superbike.

Edited by il cacciatore
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Its worth noting that Laser Jammers are highly illegal because effectively you are perverting the court of justice by using one so you are commiting two offenses.

Il Cacciatore,


Laser Jammers are NOT illegal in the UK (yet).

If they were - nobody could have automatically opening garage doors. :lol:


They MAY be made illegal in the future....... <_<

and they are DEFINITELY illegal in France. (They will confiscate your car !! :lol: )


what about Italy ?


the Lizard

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Lizard they are illegal (only Laser Jammers). Its illegal to use them against the police because you are 'obstructing the police in the execution of duty' and thats what they can arrest you for. They have arrested multiple people for 'perverting the court of justice' as well which carries a 7 year prison sentence if found guilty. Trust me that they are illegal. Its not illegal to have one but it is illegal to use one.


They have the laser detector vans to take photographs of all cars that cause an error message (by jamming them) and if they catch you more than once then theyll come and arrest you, reappropriate your car and find the laser jammer then prosecute you in a court of law.





ps. In Italy all detector devices and jamming devices are illegal. Fixed cameras dont exist in Italy but speed traps do. Everyone flashes one an other though so you dont need one. In this country people dont bother flashing anymore. <_<

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YOU GET ON MY T**S :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :< :<






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They have the laser detector vans to take photographs of all cars that cause an error message (by jamming them) and if they catch you more than once then theyll come and arrest you, reappropriate your car and find the laser jammer then prosecute you in a court of law.

You're probably right - they're B***ards !!


anyway, it's a lot cheaper and easier to buy the book. <_<

And it WORKS. :lol:



the Lizard

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I got done by a speed camera about a year or so ago. This would have been my 3rd speeding (caught by camera) offense.



I mean, how much is your license worth to you ?

Having edited your post to the two points I wanted to comment on I would like to say ......................


Your licence cannot be worth a lot to you as you would have been a bit more careful after the FIRST time you got caught. Getting done a SECOND time could be just bad luck, but a THIRD time..........................


Are you any safer than a boy racer bombing round town? You may be older and wiser (?) and think because you have experience of driving you can go faster than is allowed but how would you feel if your family got wiped out by a "repeat offender" who is only on the road because he got out of a ban on a technicality?


Pelt man has a point I think.

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