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rabbiting and a couple of foxes to.

jamie g

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we then went back to the 1st permission on the big hill had a call and sure enough foxy come through the bushes at the bottom. he was a bit twitchy and sloped off down the field. tot he bottom corner. ranged it and it was 195 yards. the 204 barked and the 39 grain blizking hit home. dropping him instantly.


we then went over to him. i turned it over and the 39 grain blizkings really done a number on him. you could see the rabbit he had mopped up earlier we had left for him.:cool:


moved off to a new farm and called a cub into 15 yards. my error really as I didn't have rifle ready but didn't other wise he would be on the list to.. moved onto the next field on that shoot to see a fox going back into some brambles. my mate called and i shot him off the roof of the 4x4 with the 17 fireball around 130 yards. this dog fox was heavier then he looked in the picture at the bottom. and had a very big head and neck on him. he had been feeding well


in all 2 foxes and 12 rabbits. not bad really for the little bits of permission we went on. soon as the crops are cut there will be tons of ground to go at.





Edited by jamie g
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Good shooting mate, you certainly ruined their day! :good:

With that first shot of the fox with the rabbit inside you could say that you got a SOGOF offer rather than a BOGOF offer - Shoot One Get One Free! :lol::lol::lol:


Edited for spelling!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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went out for a mooch today. in some shade picking of crows on the ground with the 22/250 is very satisfying :D


leaving through the final gate up the field my dad said back up there is a crow feeding on the field opp. got a range and he was 240 yards. put the zeiss mag up a bit rested on bonnet of 4x4 with bipod and bag at the back.


sent the shot and the 50 grain blizking hit home nicely. i heard the thud report come back across the valley. and see the crow explode in the scope. :yp:

Edited by jamie g
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