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combine shooting

team tractor

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I have to tell you guys of a first for me yesterday , I had a phone call at work to get my *** up the farm after work with the shot gun and when I got there he asked me to join him in the combine .

At the end of each strip I stood outside on the platform and shot the rabbits that came out the rape , so much fun even tho my gun is covered in dust .6 rabbits later and 8 shots I'm still smiling

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I've often wondered why farmers don't do this as it'd be like shooting fish in a barrel, would love to give it a go with the 10+1 M2!





they do but the simple answer is you can only cover one side of the combine the cab gets in the way for shooting the other side, and it is hellishly dusty. Ok in rape with the wind blowing towards you but try it with wheat or barley and you will end up itchy and black. Its the only thing thats ever stopped my B80 working and that was when it eventually filled with chaff. Very good sport if you have plenty of bunnies but you can find its as productive to wait till the last few acres are left and stand between the combine and the most likely cover

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got my first fox last saturday with the help of the combine, expected it to come out in front of the combine but the sneaky ****** came out the side of the second last cut, missed with me first shot but got it with the second, stone dead 40 yards with 42g bb's.


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