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Last nights effort over cut wheat

silver pigeon 3

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Hi, Finished work at about 5.45 yesterday and the weather was ideal for a spot of decoying so i went home pleaded with the mrs and got a pass out :good: , Asked the eldest if he fancied a few hours out and he was into his camo in double quick time.

Arrived at the field of cut wheat at about 6.10 and to my dismay it was completely devoid of any pigeons, but while we were watching a few were passing over so we thought as time was not on our side we would give it a go.

We quickly put out 12 shells and a couple of floaters and while we were setting the hide 4 pigeons dropped straight in to the pattern, so things were looking up. Once we were settled in the hide the first chance came about 5 mins later as a pair flew to have a look at the decoys but veered of about 30 yards out, thought i would chance my luck and nailed the tail bird as a quartering away crosser at about 40 yards, so things were definately on the up now!

Next chance came to my lad Oakley a few mins later as a young bird came close in from left to right and hovered nicely directly out in front of us for a split second, long enough for 21g of 7.5s out of his 12 to neatly bowl him over (i must stress that the range was no longer than 15 yards). The evening continued much the same with birds dropping in every 5 minutes or so, we took turns to take shots and i ended up with 19 for 24 shots and Oakley ended up with 3 for quite a few shots. Packed up at about 8pm as we were reasonably close (500 yards) to a couple of cottages


The best shot of the day was when i told Oakley to take a bird that was coming in to the decoys from dead infront, i was watching the bird and he took the shot but the bird flew off :hmm: i asked him why he didn't take a second shot and he said why the bird is down? turns out i was watching the wrong bird and he had taken a fast left to right crosser intead :lol:


This is the picture of 18 of the birds the rest were picked up on the way to the car.


Edited by silver pigeon 3
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cracking shooting, always good to see youngsters coming through




Well done......but boy does he need a haircut....at first i thought he had one of those russian hats on,...thought it must be cold where you are :lol::lol:


elvis that cracked me up, still chuckling now!! :lol::D

Edited by BenBhoy
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Great result! Much better to spend time with the lad outdoors doing something you both enjoy than sat in watching telly. :good:


When the lad gets his hair cut you could always put it up for auction, I'm sure that there are quite a few members that could make good use of it with a tube of superglue! :lol:

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cheers for all the replys guys, He loves all things to do with shooting and the countryside and is really excited about joining me on a trip or two wildfowling this season.

When i came downstairs the morning after we had shot the pigeons he was already outside plucking the breast feathers and insisted on breasting his 3 out :good:

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cheers for all the replys guys, He loves all things to do with shooting and the countryside and is really excited about joining me on a trip or two wildfowling this season.

When i came downstairs the morning after we had shot the pigeons he was already outside plucking the breast feathers and insisted on breasting his 3 out :good:


Good lad :good:

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