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morning out with Billy


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This morning I went Crayfishing with Billy, I am sure he will compose a detailed report a little later. All I can say, having only met Billy briefly for a drink after the Charity shoot this year, is, what a nice young lad.

I really enjoyed his company,Billy was polite and a pleasure to spend time with, which I hope I can do again. On top of that he sorted out a problem with my wifes ipod, so she is well pleased as well, and I think had her head turned, by his dashing good looks and "smooth voice"a little reminiscent of a charmer :good: .

Billy, thanks for nice pleasant morning out.



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the canals around manchester are nothing like the rivers near you terry we have all sorts floating in ours



Is it the other form of Brown Trout that you have :lol::lol:

I bet the crayfish are plentyful in the canals, I have just read a really old thread saying how many crayfish there are in the Manchester area.

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You will probably lose most of them as they drop off as you lift them out of the water.

If you get a wire coat hanger and garden netting(pea net) tie it to the coat hanger with cable ties, 3 lengths of string joined together about 12" above the net for stability, weight the net and use a old satsuma netting or baby bel cheese netting to hold the bait, bacon, chicken nuggets, fish fingers or even tinned cat food, they eat almost anything, and away you go, hours of fun.

Don't forget to take a bucket or two, and maybe a old fashion fishing net, that way you can be really greedy and catch the ones that look like they might fall off.

Let me know how you get on.





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Canals will be full of the pests-easiest way to catch loads is to buy about 3 traps from Ebay and tie a length of nylon rope to each one-about 15 metres should be enough for most rivers.Pop into your local fishmongers and ask for fish heads-i,ve never been charged for this bait and it works every time.Pop the bait into your freezer in lumps about the size of a golf ball.Best time to catch them is overnight so put the traps into the water with the bait inside in the evening and peg the rope to the bank firmly.Take a bucket of fresh water with you next morning and open the traps carefully (thems have a nasty nip)and tip them into the bucket.Leave them in the bucket for at least 12 hours to purge them of river water.Do us all a favour and eat the beggers.If anyone has traps in the M.K. area and wants to catch some but is unsure how to go about it or has no permission-p.m. me as I have a stretch of water so full of them that I would hesitate to walk thru it!!

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Canals will be full of the pests-easiest way to catch loads is to buy about 3 traps from Ebay and tie a length of nylon rope to each one-about 15 metres should be enough for most rivers.Pop into your local fishmongers and ask for fish heads-i,ve never been charged for this bait and it works every time.Pop the bait into your freezer in lumps about the size of a golf ball.Best time to catch them is overnight so put the traps into the water with the bait inside in the evening and peg the rope to the bank firmly.Take a bucket of fresh water with you next morning and open the traps carefully (thems have a nasty nip)and tip them into the bucket.Leave them in the bucket for at least 12 hours to purge them of river water.Do us all a favour and eat the beggers.If anyone has traps in the M.K. area and wants to catch some but is unsure how to go about it or has no permission-p.m. me as I have a stretch of water so full of them that I would hesitate to walk thru it!!

Well that is a good offer, especially as it is school holiday time, lets hope someone takes you up on it, and then lets us all know what happens.

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