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Double Manget magic


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We have really been struggling on the Rape stubble. Not a Pigeon feeding on it anywhere despite being a couple of good flightlines being close on one area we shoot. All cut really high (another thread I think?).


Couldn't find any Pigeon on any other ground we shoot over so decided to have another look at the one place I saw some Pigeon flighting,even though I knew the fields had been spread with sewage and disced.

I nearly crashed the Jeep when arrived at 4.00pm. The fields were blue with Woodies!


Went out yesterday with great expectations. Put my mate (76 years young) in the best spot and I set up near by.

He was blazing away from the start being under the flightline. I was not doing so well. Birds were flying behind me and the other side of the field. Tried everything. Magnet,flappers,bouncers,dead birds and all combinations of the above, nothing would come near.


Called the old boy up on the 2 way radio and he had about 30 Woodies in the bag for my 10.

One final plan, I had enough batteries, I would try 2 Magnets.

What a difference undecoyable birds suddenly became suicidal 4 birds within 1 minute.

Stayed until 6.00pm birds still piling in even when standing dismantling hide.


Finished up with 54 Woodies and 2 crows and the old boy had 2 less Pigeon than me. Both of us shot about 95 cartridges.

Cracking day for both despite the stink! but I am so glad I kept trying different combinations.

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where can i get these mangets? Lol, seriously tho, good job for trying and nice result.


Haven't you heard of man gets- they're the latest bird pullers :lol:

Sorry about the typo.


Out again today. The double magnet didn't work - not a pigeon in sight.


Try again on Monday.



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Back again in the same spot. Arrived at 9.00am but barely saw a Pigeon till 2.00pm.

Packed up at 6.00 and picked up 42 Woodies and a Crow.

Next time I wont bother getting there till dinner. Most of the birds shot were returning to the town and just dropping in on our fields for a final snack.

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