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A Reasonable Day on the Corvids.


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The Poacher (Mark) and I, decided to try our luck again for some crows/jackdaw's. We went to the farm at 6am, and were set up ready by 6.25. Within two minutes, 2 jackdaws came into the pattern, and Mark shot 1 of them. After that, things went quiet, and after an hour had past with nothing showing, we decided to move further down the fields. It's a good job we did too, because after setting the decoys etc out again,within minutes, about 15 jackdaw's came straight into the decoys. This was because we had 2 crows (from a previous shoot) on my rota. 2 were shot. We had a steady flow of jackdaws coming in, in 3's and 4's mostly, and we shot (and missed) a few of them. Some crows came just outside the decoys, and they were also dispatched. Everything went quiet again, with the odd jackdaw flying past. After 1.5 hours of seeing nothing, we decided to pack up. We had over 9 hours of shooting,so were happy with that.

The rota, with either crows/jackdaws on it,is a great pull for jackdaws, especially the younger ones. We ended up with 12 Jackdaws (1 not in the photo) 3 Crows,and 1 Pigeon. A couple more jackdaw's were lost in the woods behind us. Another enjoyable day out with good company. My thanks to Mark for joining me. We hope to do the same again soon.

The photo's show the area's where we shot today, some scenery, the decoys/dead birds, and the end result.







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