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Do I need a BIGGER ONE!!....Shotgun Bead


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(English Sporting)

I KNOW the bead shouldn't be looked at but it SHOULD be seen in peripheral vision and I 'think' that because my bead is silver and smaller than a match head, I'm tending to look 'at it' to check my lead and therefore aiming and stopping the gun swing :look: .


Do you think a bigger bead would be an idea so although I'm not looking 'at it'(focusing) I CAN 'see it' in peripheral vision whilst still looking directly at the clay which I believe will aid me in judging target lead ?(and breaking more clays :D )





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What gun? Mine has an end bead and mid bead helps you confirm the mount ( if like me your a bit variable) then you don't look at it again. Some have easily swappable beads you can have larger, different coloured etc some guns it's an easy swap others a bit tricky

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What gun? Mine has an end bead and mid bead helps you confirm the mount ( if like me your a bit variable) then you don't look at it again. Some have easily swappable beads you can have larger, different coloured etc some guns it's an easy swap others a bit tricky

Oh it's on my Laurona O/U and the beads just screw in, I don't have mid bead.





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Problem with Midway is they will hammer you on postage. I bought a replacement bead on eBay. Just check the thread size! Beretta seem to be 2.6mm and Brownings 3mm (although it does vary from model to model), not sure on a Laurona.


Anyway, i paid about £4.50 delivered so it has to be worth a punt, if it doesn't work then you can put the old one back again.

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I agree with Welshwarrior,

Forget about the bead...& if you cant, take it off! I beleive some coaches remove them from the guns they instruct with.

I personaly cant see the benefit of them, I know the Easyhits can be great for eye dominance issues but I think they incourage some people to aim as if looking down the barrel of a rifle at a stationary target, refering back & forth between bead and target.

But on the other hand they obviously work great for some, Quite a personal thing really.

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It really is just a peripheral vision thing with me I think, If I can see the bead in the corner of my eye it helps me to gauge lead . Or that's the theory I have as I started to improve, then changed beads and things went graduly worse although I was switching guns quite a bit at the time which may not have helped. So I'll change bead back to a larger one for tomorrows shoot at Mill Farm and see what happens.


Thanks for replies guys :good:





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i no im only learning but if the gun fit is right you dont look at the gun, as your eye is on the barrel anyway. look at what your shooting. my coaach tells me off if he thinks im looking at it. he says concentrate on the front edge of the clay, or rear edge of the clay. cant say tbh if ive ever noticed one on the gun i use

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