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Lamping pigeons

michael milton

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Hi all,i would like to know the best coditions for lamping wood pigeon.I am useing a Webley FX2000 .22 11.4 ftpl Premier ultra magnum pellets

On two of my permisions theres small wooded areas of mature oak,silverberch,yew,sycamor were the woodies are roosting,i have have permission the go lamping,and i would like to know if strong winds and wind direction play a factor in bagging up.

We have been having good bags (4/8woodies) by sitting under there resting trees during the day and snipeing them.

Any advice would be gratefully recieved.


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That is hardly sporting. My advice is get there before first light before going out to feed or when they are coming in to roost and then enjoy with a shotgun.


or get there before they come to roost and enjoy shooting with the airgun (shooting motionless animals is sporting to some!)

lamps are for rabbits and foxes :good:



please, before you get that gun out again have a thorough read through the general license, read it ten times and make sure you are 110% sure you know what you can do before you go out

Edited by TJ91
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Read the general licence.


I would have thought/hoped, that someone with lamping permission would have already made the effort to read the general license and be familiar with the law, as Im sure the landowner giving permission would hope too, obviously not :no:

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I would have thought/hoped, that someone with lamping permission would have already made the effort to read the general license and be familiar with the law, as Im sure the landowner giving permission would hope too, obviously not :no:


plenty of these young lads with thier 'high powered' plinkers dont even know the GL exists let alone what it is!

Edited by TJ91
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Ok thanks for the advice/replys guys and i wount be using a lamp for the woodies.

So getting there at first light or when they start to come into the woods is the way forward,i will let you all know how i get on.

Thanks once again Mick


getting there at first light never worked too well for me as they hear/see you approach and take to the sky from their roost, get there before they come to roost and you have a better chance as they will come in singles doubles and small groups, offering more chances of a shot usually


Best of luck!

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Hi TJ,and thanks,what you are saying make sence so i will try waiting for them to come into the woods.


Back to my orignal post i had no idea that lamping pigeons was ilegal(lesson learnt)speaking to the permissions about it,and they are no to conserned how the pigeons(or rats with wings as one discribed them)are delt with.

All ready i have benifited from this forum, its a wealth of info,so again thanks for the advice.


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