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A weird young woody


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Hi folks,


There haven't been many pigeons around our area to decoy, but I managed to get a couple days on rape stubble at a farm near my girlfriends place. This was a couple weeks ago now, but took a couple photos. One of the woody's I shot was a young bird, perfectly plump and flew well, but it had this strange 'thing' in its nose. It was on the pigeon like a bit goes on a pheasant poult. I took a couple of photos for you all to see what you think it is. There was a bit of puss in its nostrils when I took the thing off, but apart from that seemed to be doing well until it met the lead. The two bags i had were 36 and 26. There was potential for upwards of 60-80 birds but i had to refrain from shooting over the farm nearby, a road in one direction, cattle in another, and a house in another! Just made the day more sporting though and had some good birds down.



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Haha yea, maybe did it a favour in the long run. It seemed to be formed of bone, but with a lower density. I still ate it and haven't died yet! It looked like it had been in there a good while but must have been feeding successfully. It's just strange how it wasn't attached to anything, it was just locked on by hooking in the nostrils. I couldn't think of anything like that it could have had a peck at and got it lodged on, but it won't be bothering it now!

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