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House Insurance


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I always thought it best not to give information about were firearms are stored to unknown individuals. If asked by anyone if i store guns at home i always answer " you couldn't leve my house with a working firearm". strangely it seems to answer all thier questions in one go, if i need to claim i will fight it out with the insurer afterwards- Those people have more catches and get outs than any man could contimplate anyhow :rolleyes:

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Most insurance policies automatically include any item you own up to individual value limits, and sporting goods are usually covered away from home as well. Unless the policy wording references guns in particular theres no real reason to have to inform insurers but it does nothing negative to do so. High value goods of any kind should be declared or their full value may not be covered in the event of a loss.


Excesses will apply in most cases, and accidental damage will only be covered if you have that as part of or an extension in the HH policy.


The only real caveat, will be that reasonable care must be shown to have been taken for the care and security of items if a claim was to be made.

Edited by clayman
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MoreThan are the same too. I just told them I had them, to be on the safe side, and there was no issue at all. I did however add them to my 'away from home' cover and that added a tenner to the annual premium, but that's no big issue. So all above bored (sp) and covered for any accidents/theft away from home too.

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Another vote for Barclays :good: Just redone the buildings and contents insurance. By far the most competitive when you look at the excesses they all want to apply in the event of a claim. Didn't need to specify what I had, serial numbers or how many. Just told to make sure that the personal possessions figure was adequate for the individual item I wanted to take out. Other than that, if there was a total loss on them in the house, ie fire/flood/theft etc they are covered. The bonus was the entire insurance package buildings/contents was just about twice that of the quote I got for the guns alone from a specialist insurer and 40% cheaper than my present insurer quoted me for renewal without the guns. :yes: Barclays :good:

Edited by turbo33
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