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Knox Cleared

Fisherman Mike

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But with Italy nearing the same financial state as Greece, Ireland, Spain and Portugal how likely do you think it is she will get her compensation!


She isn`t in line for compensation as she was found guilty for slander and released for time served so not wrongly convicted in some ways, the money she will get will be the bidding war in america that is going on for the first interview plus subsequent money which will total well over a million pounds, well worth abit of slander.

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She isn`t in line for compensation as she was found guilty for slander and released for time served so not wrongly convicted in some ways, the money she will get will be the bidding war in america that is going on for the first interview plus subsequent money which will total well over a million pounds, well worth abit of slander.

She told the police that she was there and it was the black guy who killed her then she changed her mind and said that she was with her boyfriend and not there this is a fact and she was sentenced to three years for perjury dose that sound like an innocent person.

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Yes, but i would have to tie her hands to the bedposts just in case....................


PW gold :lol: :lol:



Not sure on this one, I don't think she actually killed her but definitely think they were involved in someway.


Im with you on this mate.

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