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Took these 5 in the pic at the same place as last time, only another herd has merged with the herd i was culling :good::D .

So, they have increased in numbers and are doing untold damage.

I have been culling the whole week on and off, but this mornig was a lovely morning, so i though id post a pic. :D

The farmers whos lands these feral goats roam over are more then happy to see me their, bloody hard work though. :good:

All with my .223 and American Eagle HP 50grain factory. :D:lol:

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Will you please stop posting these disgusting pictures of the goats you've culled i am getting seriously








































































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Will you please stop posting these disgusting pictures of the goats you've culled i am getting seriously








































































:good::lol: Sorry Sussex, ill post bunnys from now on. :lol::lol:





Great shooting Frank :good::) You've your work cut out for ya with this other herd there now :D




Cheers John. :D

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Frank thats another good session, but where's all the meat going! Hope you've got a big freezer or failing that 10 children!! :)


Great shooting!




All the goats get skinned and the meat shared around, freinds farmers ect ect.

Its the best of eating. :good::lol:



Im gonna have to come down and visit you Frank :lol:


Have you got a big chest freezer Dazza?? :lol:



propabley got a deal with the local curry house :D


Could have fert. :D:good::D

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How many are there that you have to cull now? Good luck, some fantastic shots well done, you really do like those american eagles then!


I have 34 more to cull out of a herd of 43.

They tend to move to higher ground after a few culling setions and seem to keep out of harms way, until the winter that is, when they come back down to lowland pastures and become pests again.


Their is a goverment warning sighn put up on all state forestry land over here that reads, 'All cattle and sheep will be impounded. Any goats found, will be shot on site.!


As you can see, they are treated as vermin in most parts, but their is a growing trend by do gooders, who want them protected. :good: These idiots, are mainly coming over from the UK, setting up home here and trying to tell country folk over here what to do. :lol: I hate them.


They need to be controlled like the goats. :good::)





nice 1 frank....looks like hard work lifting the beasts,



but when there on the BBQ its all worth it finished off with lots of beer :D


Thats for sure PS. :D Having a cold one now. :D



Great shooting Frank :D:lol: Those American eagle are up to the job that's for sure :lol:


They certainly are Kip. ;)


I love the way they are so cheap, accurate and hard hitting.

Saying that, goats have, as i mentioned in another post, a thin chest cavity and a bullet that expands quikly, releasing all its energy in the animal is needed.

The eagles seem to be the ideal ammo for the job. :)


To any poachers out their :) , please do not use these on large deer, as a deer is a diffrent beast altogether. ;)

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As you can see, they are treated as vermin in most parts, but their is a growing trend by do gooders, who want them protected. :good: These idiots, are mainly coming over from the UK, setting up home here and trying to tell country folk over here what to do. :D I hate them.


They need to be controlled like the goats. :lol::D


A close relation to those do-gooders, the homegrown unwashed student masses, had set up camp in Galways Shop Street today. Apparently to "control" *coughBANcough* small arms in Ireland (why they never seem towant to control the criminals <-- read victim apparently :good: is beyond me). Had to pass them 4 times. 3rd time they asked me had I time to "talk" so polite as ever I said maybe on the way back as I was on an urgent message, life or death don't you know. Anyway on my way back with Junes issue of Shooting Sports tucked under my arm they didn't seem as interested in chatting :lol::D


Ah well, maybe next time :)




You should of showed them the mag and asked them to have a chat about that instead. :)

Much more intersting. :lol:

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You should of showed them the mag and asked them to have a chat about that instead. :lol:

Much more intersting. :lol:


I was thinking of buying all the Shooting magazines in Easons and standing next to the stoooodents selling them like the big issue, gettttttttttttttt yerrrr shooting mags :D


Going in again Monday... :good:



:D Go for it. :good::D

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nice one frank, bet your house is full of goat skin rugs!!!! :D


Thanks digga. :D

I have sold a few to irish drum makers, their is a irish word for it, im not good with galic spelling,(let alone mine :good: ) so here is my attempt, they are called Bawrons :good:

John Galway, help me out here :lol::D

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Frank,have you run out of charlies so started shooting billys now :good: .Nice pics and good shooting.Is there any legal requirements for the shooting goats.e.g can you shoot them at night,what gun has to be used,shotgun or rifle,is there a close season ?

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