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First rough shoot of the season


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Had our first walk around this morning ,met up at 8.30 am just the 6 of us today all bar 1 members of pw ,after the dos and donts we headed out to a small wheat stubble but the birds were not there like ive been seeing but still came away with a pigeon and hare .

Then moved on to some sugar beet , first pass showed 2 birds but out of range ,secound pass nothing till very end and a good covey got up but nothing dropped .

Stopped hand had a short break as warm going in the beet .We then moved in the secound field but on the way down lifted a few birds and 2 englich were dropped ,this pass showed more birds with 2 hen pheasants taken but lifted another 15 english and a few french .

Moved on and back to the wheat stubble and this time the birds were there a good 30 plus birds seen all english tho only 1 bird downed .Will let the other say why only 1 was downed :lol:

called it a day as the weather was closing in but a nice walk out and everyone had a shot or 2 and plenty seen for next time out :yes:


Did not take camera so pic from home with out the 2 pheasants as taken home by sprackles


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Yeah, good morning out Tom, Thank you. Nice to meet some more friendly members too, even if I did take a bit of a beating from you (well deserved though)


As for the monumental **** up - well, best fess up. Although, in my defence, I can't be accused of not being a 'safe' shot, and when I did manage to put some lead up I connected, but its no excuse for the schoolboy error. So...


On the last drive Tom spooked up about a dozen partridge from my right out about 40yrds. So I shouldered my gun, singled out my target and BANG - ploom of feathers. Bird headed for the deck and I was watching where it landed, or so I though. Turns out it was not as clean a shot as it could have been and the bird flew a few more yard before Stu finished it off. During the brief pause that ensued I put the safety back on and forgot about the now empty bottom barrel.


We then started walking again and half a dozen or so birds immediately presented from the left. Picked out my target, pulled the trigger - **** (insert your choice of expletive here) - I'd only gone and left the blo0dy safety oon, and by the time I'd figured out what was wrong the birds were out of range. Opportunity missed - gutted!

Obviously this was met with the usual well done Richard head comments from the guys. But just when I thought it could not get any worse it did...


As I was taking the abuse I remembered bottom barrels empty, so crack open the gun to reload it. No sooner had the empty cartridge left the chamber then Tom starts jumping up and down shouting some encouraging word to the effect of 'oh golly, look, a boat load coming right for you'. I looked up, and decided there was no way I was gonna get another cartridge in the gun before they would be out of range, but I still had one in the gun so was good for one shot. So quickly slammed it shut, picked out a lovely high bird and pulled the trigger - Click. ARGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, forgot to change the blo0dy barrel over hadn't I, so ended up firing the now empty bottom barrel. By the time I had engaged the safety and took it back off again to fire the second barrel they were well gone. So in the space of what was literately no more than a minute I had given the guys all the **** taking ammo they need for the rest of the season - great!


To say I was not impressed is an understatement, but cheers lads for reminding me just how stupid I am. Hopefully lesson learnt, and looking forward to the next time where I hope I don't provide such a high level of entertainment.

Edited by 4eyes
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Yeah, good morning out Tom, Thank you. Nice to meet some more friendly members too, even if I did take a bit of a beating from you (well deserved though)


As for the monumental **** up - well, best fess up. Although, in my defence, I can't be accused of not being a 'safe' shot, and when I did manage to put some lead up I connected, but its no excuse for the schoolboy error. So...


On the last drive Tom spooked up about a dozen partridge from my right out about 40yrds. So I shouldered my gun, singled out my target and BANG - ploom of feathers. Bird headed for the deck and I was watching where it landed, or so I though. Turns out it was not as clean a shot as it could have been and the bird flew a few more yard before Stu finished it off. During the brief pause that ensued I put the safety back on and forgot about the now empty bottom barrel.


We then started walking again and half a dozen or so birds immediately presented from the left. Picked out my target, pulled the trigger - **** (insert your choice of expletive here) - I'd only gone and left the blo0dy safety oon, and by the time I'd figured out what was wrong the birds were out of range. Opportunity missed - gutted!

Obviously this was met with the usual well done Richard head comments from the guys. But just when I thought it could not get any worse it did...


As I was taking the abuse I remembered bottom barrels empty, so crack open the gun to reload it. No sooner had the empty cartridge left the chamber then Tom starts jumping up and down shouting some encouraging word to the effect of 'oh golly, look, a boat load coming right for you'. I looked up, and decided there was no way I was gonna get another cartridge in the gun before they would be out of range, but I still had one in the gun so was good for one shot. So quickly slammed it shut, picked out a lovely high bird and pulled the trigger - Click. ARGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, forgot to change the blo0dy barrel over hadn't I, so ended up firing the now empty bottom barrel. By the time I had engaged the safety and took it back off again to fire the second barrel they were well gone. So in the space of what was literately no more than a minute I had given the guys all the **** taking ammo they need for the rest of the season - great!


To say I was not impressed is an understatement, but cheers lads for reminding me just how stupid I am. Hopefully lesson learnt, and looking forward to the next time where I hope I don't provide such a high level of entertainment.

priceless :lol:

at least you went out i stayed at home with a bad cold sneezing and coughing and feeling sorry for meself :/:lol:

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Oh yeah, forgot to mention that lol. He almost booted it before it got up he was that close. I didn't bother even lifting my gun because I was so sure he would bag it. Stevie wonder could have hit it it was that close. But no, safatey catch caught him out, much to everyone's amusement.


We traded insults about that on the way home too, but I think I came off a lot worse for the day. Still, atleast you know we use the safety, even if it does cost some sitters :-(

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lol. no mention of your dad leaving his safety catch on and missing a cracking cock pheasant though :blush::P




Stu, that brings so many painfull memories flooding back to me from last years shoot, 2 cracking Pheasants heading straight to me, raising the gun, swinging through, click click!!!!!! and by the time i realised what the problem was the birds were away.



God d**n useless piece of excrement


And I am eternally grateful to you personally, and all the others who sent me pics of what a safety catch looks like.


I now get absolutely PARANOID when out shooting now.




Cracking day by the way, well done guys, sorry i missed it.

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Late reply to all this but it was indeed a cracking day out with new mates and some banter. The descriptions are good but you had to be there to appreciate the banter.

As for the safety catch, who hasn't done that.

The day was a strange one for me though......I was actually on Target.

The pheasants were delicious by the way, plump and juicy oven ready within 4 hours.

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