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winter rape! my views and tactics


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winter rape, that tricky and oftern frustrating crop to shoot over is now approching fast, i can allready see posts coming in and will no doubt see many more flooding in over the coming months. most posts i fear will be one of dispare and frustration as this is a time of year to test all of us fellow pigeon shooters to the limit. i for one are really looking forward to the chalange of it, its a beutifull time of year were we all can get the chance to see the world and all the wildlife that comes with it wakeing up with out haveing to be out of bed at daft o clock. we should all learn to enjoy this time of year and not get to down harted at the oftern smaller bags, good feild craft and homework can stiil yeild us all good results! over the past few years i and freinds have laerned to work with large flocks of birds and not against, i think we have all at some point used the words ( one bang and there gone :lol: ) we now have turned that to our advantage and i would like to share it so any of you newer shooters can have fun with out getting to down in the dumps. our tactic when there is an abundece of rape is to do what the pigeons do (flock up) :good: get as many of your pals together as you can to cover as many rape fields as possible within a few mile raidious, now i understand you may not have all the permission to do this so take a little time out to find out who dos, that person allso will most probebley be haveing a tuff time of it so ask him to shoot the feild the same day as you and all your pals shoot yours, this in effect is part of feild craft in my opinion. now youv got the plan in action its time to have some fun, shooting in this way keeps the flock moving in to another gun letting you all share a good days shooting, a top tip for me is to no your land and were theres a good sitty tree! offtern sitting under this can bring better bags than sat in a hide with a bunch of decoys out! they always hit the trees first in the winter, in large numbers to say the least! so when that happens your sat waiting in ambush. this is a long winded post i no but for those for who it will help i say good luck

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