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Potential Copyright Issue


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copyrighting runs out unless the owner renews them on a yearly basis i think..(out of interest the price of your copyrighting is dependant on how much the product is worth..)..The ratsniper has probabaly just used the same plans from the old design or is under an 'agreement' or license..........:yp:

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if memory serves me correctly QB stands for quakcenbush or quack and bush, the people who designed the crossman rifle, so it is entierly possible that they leased the patent to crossman and that lease has now expired so they are free to lease the patent to another company.


But i admit i could be totaly wrong about that point.


ROB :yp:

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A lot of american copyrights needs renewed as do a lot of other countries (except the UK)


The Yanks found this out over the claim THEY thought of AND patented the internet where infact it was BRITISH TELECOM who were the first to come up with the idea and patent it.


The Americans thought the UK patents run out the same as THEIRS but not so :lol:


Cost them a VERY large amount for breech of copyright when BT took them to court :yp:



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Hi, copy right aside, is the rabbit stopper really a stopper or a flopper?


Rabbitstopper?? What has a rabbitstopper got to do with this topic? to answer your question- if you just use them 'straight from the factory' they are not worth buying.

Sorry, I got slightly confused. The rat sniper (QB78) looks exactly the same as the crossman rabbit stoper and is also billed as having the same power. (pellpax.co.uk) web site. This gun gets a lot of hype on various sites, I was just wondering if it was worth a look.

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