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Decoy Fox on the Crows


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Last night I took my brother out for a shine with the lamp and the shotgun. We soon had a rabbit that bolted after we almost walked over it hidden in a tyre track then spotted a pair of eyes about a hundred yards off. I wouldnt come to a hand squeak call so we sneaked around behind it to cut it off from the wood and tried again. Still the fox just sat there and I said we would sneak up to it with the lamp off to try get into shotgun range. We did this with the wind in our faces and flicked the lamp up to see Charlie stood about forty yards away, crouched in the mud trying to hide, knowing it was cut off from escaping. My brother fired and dropped a nice vixen with a BB :good:


This morning we were going to shoot a field of drilling where we had seen a few hundred corvids on. We were set up by eight, with the dead fox pegged out in the centre. We were barely back in our hides before they started to come in and after an hour and a half we had fifty on the clicker. A few pigeons fell to our guns too, and with come calling with a Sam Neyt Crow call we ended up with seventy corvids (nearly all carrion crows) and 11 pigeons by 2pm by which time hardly a crow could be seen anywhere. Over half the crows were shot over the fox and many came in shouting at it. It was an experiment that I saw Steve B Wales had tried and it paid off today :good:


Unfortunately several of the crows fell into woodland behind but heres the ones we picked



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Decoying corvids with a fox is something that I have always wanted to try! Did you find the birds would come and mob in groups mostly?


No, mostly in singles, few pairs. A group of jackdaws came in though at it, three ended up on the deck before they realised the danger :good: the call worked well to wind up the single crows, making them want to fight and get in close

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How do you set the fox up? In the open, standing, laying?


I put a sharpened bamboo cane under its head into its lower jaw to raise it up, it was slightly too long but gave an image of the fox about to pounce. Put a dead crow by it with a dozen decoys dotted around too.

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